First hatch!!


9 Years
Mar 9, 2013
Carbondale KS
I got my first set of eggs today! So far things look good. The bator is running steady and the eggs are resting! They go in the bator tomorrow morning at 1130!! I'm so excited and nervous!
Every time my DD hear me walking towards the guest bathroom they yell "look, don't touch!" Lol,they are a big help keeping an eye on the temp and humidity. Thank goodness! Or I would never get a break, or be able to go to work.
I don't know if you ever get over checking your incubator every couple of hours. ive done a few hundred hatches and I still keep looking at mine LOL. when my wife made me move the operation outside it did help a little.

if you haven't hatched before and something goes wrong, don't panic. the humidity can drop for a little bit and not hurt it, the temp can drop and not hurt them too. if your incubators are forced air (have fans) its a good idea to open them 10 or 15 minutes a day to simulate the hen eating and doing her business. makes the chicks a little stronger.

with the guinea eggs, remember it takes 28 days. I forgot and threw some away on day 23 my first time around.

best of luck, keep me updated.
Thanks for letting me know I'm not crazy
I have to keep telling myself they are just eggs right now! They aren't doing anything! Does anyone ever candel before or more often than they should? It's SO tempting!

I told my DD the only reason I'm getting away with everything I'm doing with the chickens is because I don't have a DH to tell me NO! lOL
I couldn't stand it! I candled, it's day 4
this is my first time, so I'm not absolutely sure of what I'm looking at but I think, so far, things re looking good! I do have a question though.... If the yolk appears "stuck" in one spot is that good or bad? It moves but doesn't float to the top the way I thought it should.
On a brighter note, the saddle or questionable air sacks from the day I got them ate all looking good! All seem attached and getting bigger!
I couldn't stand it! I candled, it's day 4
this is my first time, so I'm not absolutely sure of what I'm looking at but I think, so far, things re looking good! I do have a question though.... If the yolk appears "stuck" in one spot is that good or bad? It moves but doesn't float to the top the way I thought it should.
On a brighter note, the saddle or questionable air sacks from the day I got them ate all looking good! All seem attached and getting bigger!
Sorry I don't have an answer, I'm new to this as well. Just wanted to wish you good luck!
I was told and I have red in several places that you should take the lid off the bator once a day to simulate the mama hen getting off the eggs, that it will make for stronger chicks? SO, I decided I would do that in the evening when I could candle really quick ( cause I'm OCD and nosey) to see what's going on. I'm SO glad I did! So far out of 13 eggs I absolutely have veining in 11! One might be a red ring, I'm going to give it a few days to make sure and one more I'm not sure about so that one is also staying in! I know things can still go south but I was so sure I was going to screw this up and nothing would hatch!! Yea!
it is possible to destroy the embryo, and cause other problems from over handling your eggs. but keep in mind, a hen isn't as gentile as most turners, she doesn't operate on a set clock turning her eggs. the biggest problem is the more you handle, the greater chance of a drop. it never fails when you drop an egg, its always on other eggs in the batch. typically destroying 3 eggs.

ok, I too handled my eggs way to often and early. I would open my incubator way more than I should, and I still had a 50% hatch in colder weather. I did have a lot of quitters, but I don't handle my eggs near as much now and in early year I still have way more quitters. keep in mind, 95% of my eggs come from my farm and are not shipped or hauled.

I must warn you, I started with a little giant - now I run 3 sportsmans. this is highly addictive!

congrats on the 10-11 good eggs.
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