First Night in Coop

I won’t let them sleep in the run even though it’s closed in. I just checked on them and YAYYYY they were upstairs in the roost not on the bottom floor looking out for mama. All was quiet. I’m sure I’ll check again but I was happy. Thank you everyone y’all are great!!!

OK. If that's important to you.

My experience with chicks that I incubated and moved out to the run was that they perferred to sleep in the run initially then claim a spot on the floor of the coop in a corner until they were ready to push for their spot on the roosts. So long as I knew they were safe, what was the harm? It all worked out in the end.

It was different for chicks that were brooded by a Mama Hen. They stuck close to her so if she went up, they went up. They still slept in a pile on the floor of the coop. My present batch are about 12 weeks and sleep together in a nesting box. If they feel safe and I know they're safe, I can wait for the process to play out.

My mantra is: they're better at being chickens than I am at second guessing them.
Nice to see you here! It’s a little nerve racking but as long as the coop is secure they should be fine. Once they’re asleep they won’t know where they are. I’m sure you’ll be up with the dawn to check on them ❤ Chickens are so much fun to have in our life!
I should have clarified my statement. The chicks should be fully feathered before putting them outside in cooler/cold weather. Their fluff wont insulate them and they need an external heat source (ie.momma hen, heat lamp, etc.). As always, use your best judgment. Since some of us are in summer in the northern hemisphere I neglected to point this out earlier, thanks!

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