May 6, 2015 #1 PrairieSteader Hatching Apr 16, 2015 6 0 7 Rural Okotoks, AB. First one out of the gate is a White Leghorn. Took no time to bust out of the shell. It's travelling around the 'bator like crazy! I can hear the others "cheeping" as well. Funny how they have different chirps. Have to display a pic.
First one out of the gate is a White Leghorn. Took no time to bust out of the shell. It's travelling around the 'bator like crazy! I can hear the others "cheeping" as well. Funny how they have different chirps. Have to display a pic.
May 6, 2015 Thread starter #2 PrairieSteader Hatching Apr 16, 2015 6 0 7 Rural Okotoks, AB. My apologies......meant to reply to my prior thread. It's late!