First quilt block swap 2016

Hi everyone just an update from me.
I have all blocks cut and 8 finished so I should get them done by end of month. Slow going for me this time of year. I'll post a photo soon.
This is how my friday went, 2 of my dogs decided to try and do something with a SKUNK, OMG, had to wait for the groomer to open at 10 am, I was able to wash one dog she is little a puppy, but my 110 pounder no way in a bath tub,he is good and likes his baths, but with no sprayer, I really need to get one, just have not gotten around to it yet. They smell so much better!!! They tried so hard to rub the smell off, poor babies, now maybe they will leave skunks alone. The puppy ended up with 2 baths today!!
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This is how my friday went, 2 of my dogs decided to try and do something with a SKUNK, OMG, had to wait for the groomer to open at 10 am, I was able to wash one dog she is little a puppy, but my 110 pounder no way in a bath tub,he is good and likes his baths, but with no sprayer, I really need to get one, just have not gotten around to it yet. They smell so much better!!! They tried so hard to rub the smell off, poor babies, now maybe they will leave skunks alone. The puppy ended up with 2 baths today!!
OH NO!! I've smelled skunk here very strong a couple times this week. One was in the afternoon, but I did not see it anywhere. I kept the dog inside!!
So where are we on this swap? Who is getting ready to mail, still some time left just checking to see if we are still on target for the 15th, need more time let me know,

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