First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Ralph thats not a fair test question as no one else was involved in our conversation. Lol All my birds came in today. Cant tell the Cx from the plymouth rocks yet. They ALSO have wing feathers coming in,all 4 breeds. So Im thinking they hatched friday or sat. And shipped sunday.
I moved my goslings into the new 4 x 16
Night pen. Start letting them free range all day. I had one chick that arrived listless. I kept giving electrolytes till he perked up
This thread has taught me alot.
Jessica,Ive raised a lot of pigs. Pigs are as smart as dogs. They don't sweat,so they exude waste in their urine. If they have enough room to roam they DON'T stink. And they will eat ANYTHING

That is my hope. By anything do you mean:

--chicken heads/guts

--the gigantic squash you somehow forgot to harvest

--those stale heels of bread that even the chickens won't touch.

Also, how big of a space do they need to feel good? This is going to be our first "big" animal, and we are trying now to plan out where and how big the pen should be.
Ralph thats not a fair test question as no one else was involved in our conversation. Lol All my birds came in today. Cant tell the Cx from the plymouth rocks yet. They ALSO have wing feathers coming in,all 4 breeds. So Im thinking they hatched friday or sat. And shipped sunday.

Its plenty fair. My question was said on a different thread!!

Welcome new comers!!
Ralph thats not a fair test question as no one else was involved in our conversation. Lol All my birds came in today. Cant tell the Cx from the plymouth rocks yet. They ALSO have wing feathers coming in,all 4 breeds. So Im thinking they hatched friday or sat. And shipped sunday.
Who said the test has to be fair???
Someone shot the gator that killed the
DA. They are talking about prosecuting him. Makes no sense. The normal procedure for a death caused by an animal is to put the animal down.
Fire Ant, I have lots of oak trees here and tons of acorns.

I, being a lazy redneck, do not rake up or even care to attempt to rake the acorns. I have turkeys and chickens that eat them.  They spend a lot of time scratching for them. The turkeys swallow them whole.

Before I got birds of my own I had lots of wild turkeys in the yard eating the  acorns along with Deer. The Deer still come, the wild turkeys stay away. It appears they do not want to mess with JJ. 

That said, I have seen the wild toms come close to the buildings ( a couple hundred yards), and I know Ethel is not the innocent church going hen we all think she is. This spring a neighbor of mine hunted on the south end of the 40.  He was calling turkeys, and Ethel made her way out there to them.  He knows JJ and Ethel so she did not get shot, but he thought it was funny she would come to the call.  (besides in the spring you can only shoot Toms).

I have heard people can eat acorns, but I think they are bitter.
cook them

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