First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Someone shot the gator that killed the
DA. They are talking about prosecuting him. Makes no sense. The normal procedure for a death caused by an animal is to put the animal down.

I have to agree, I thought SOP was to kill any animal that attacks a person as a safety precaution because they have lost their fear of humans?

Did they take the sign down after they shot the gator? NO sense having a gator sign on a pond after it loses its gator......

And,, Did the village the ,,,,,er,,,, Dead Advanced Primate lived run a want ad yet for a new village idiot?
Sign????? Lol what sign??
Ralph- Your test was hilarious! How is your book coming along? I want to buy it and read it. I think I will get a better ab work out than in pilates. Not that I ever exercise aside from chasing poultry around, but I hear pilates is really good for toning your stomach.

I have a bit of sad news for you as well Ralph. Prepare yourself.
I will not be making our annual trip to Duluth this year. I know you are devastated that I will not be breaking in to your sand farm in the middle of the night to hijack turkeys. Or maybe walk in in broad daylight with some Mikes.

Instead I will be spending my time smuggling my favorite soap over from the Canadian border. Maybe some of TT's Mistral Gris as well. But sshh, don't say anything about it.

So, on to non illegal topics..

Hubs denied my getting a pig. His mom had a pet pig when he was in high school. In fact, there is a picture of it on our refrigerator. He does not believe I will be able to say good bye to a pig, being way too attached. He also says this about my getting a cow.
I believe he has caught on to my game... get 1 or 2 more of whatever it is I intend to slaughter and keep them as my pets.
The best way to get a pig would be you raise one for your neighbor and they raise one for you.

Having had pigs in the past, I know you will become attached. Pigs are great and have great personalities, it's just too bad they taste so good.

It seems every warm blooded thing I become friendly with I end up eating. I must be some kind of Ed Gein..

I bet that will have some of you running to google that name... Us old people know it.
Baaaaa yall coddle your neighbors too much. I mow my grass wearing my full face cartridge air respirator and mine go back in their houses. I've also been known to sight my rifle in on my 4-1/2acres at random times. Beings my land is clear cut and I can CONTROL my bullets ,pile of dirt from pond. My Neighbors keep thelmseves and their opinions on their side of the fence.i all so read Texas's laws and statuettes every month or so .
And on two occasions in the last ten yrs,I have sat patiently on my side of the property line while an irate neighbor worked themselves into an irrational rage resulting in them forgetting said property line. I love it when the police show up. Did You do that? Yep. He threatened my life on MY PROPERTY. I get to let the voices in my head out. We have sooooooooooo much fun

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