First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Hi ottbmom! I just started meaties too...last Friday picked my 10 up. I wish my local TSC carried them, 99 cents each is a steal! Mine seem to really need the light still too. They dog pile when its off, too.
A little funny...over dinner tonight my hubby and I had a disagreement over the color of the meaty chicks. He was convinced they are white...I told him they are still yellow. The red heat light just makes them look white. He was unconvinced. After dinner I went to the coop, picked one up, and took it back to the house to show him. Can you believe that stinker still Swore they were white after looking at it up close and personal like with no red light? Lol. I was surprised at how hearty the chick was at less than 1 week old!!!!! And THEY ARE STILL YELLOW, FYI! Sheesh!
Hi ottbmom! I just started meaties too...last Friday picked my 10 up. I wish my local TSC carried them, 99 cents each is a steal! Mine seem to really need the light still too. They dog pile when its off, too.
A little funny...over dinner tonight my hubby and I had a disagreement over the color of the meaty chicks. He was convinced they are white...I told him they are still yellow. The red heat light just makes them look white. He was unconvinced. After dinner I went to the coop, picked one up, and took it back to the house to show him. Can you believe that stinker still Swore they were white after looking at it up close and personal like with no red light? Lol. I was surprised at how hearty the chick was at less than 1 week old!!!!! And THEY ARE STILL YELLOW, FYI! Sheesh!

Bahahaha just like a man :lol:

Yes, I'm just bowled over at how they're growing. I got them on Sunday and they fit nicely into the brooder. Today they're filling it up. They're not crowded yet, but it won't be long.

I am a little surprised that they aren't guzzling more feed. They seem fine otherwise, so I'm not worried, but I feed them about a cup or so of food once a day and they nibble on it throughout the day. The only thing I can figure is that I put hay in my brooder (I apparently ran out of shavings at some point... My farm manager should be fired--she needs a vacation anyway :lau: ) and they nibble on it more than I realize.
Bahahaha just like a man

Yes, I'm just bowled over at how they're growing. I got them on Sunday and they fit nicely into the brooder. Today they're filling it up. They're not crowded yet, but it won't be long.

I am a little surprised that they aren't guzzling more feed. They seem fine otherwise, so I'm not worried, but I feed them about a cup or so of food once a day and they nibble on it throughout the day. The only thing I can figure is that I put hay in my brooder (I apparently ran out of shavings at some point... My farm manager should be fired--she needs a vacation anyway
: ) and they nibble on it more than I realize.

You might want to give them chick grit NOW!!

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Got the chicken nuggets some outside time today! We had to miss yesterday since it rained all day long. I was much happier with the result. I pulled their food overnight and then scattered their morning ration in the grass. Lots of running and scratching and a little playing keep away lol! I would have liked to keep them out for longer than the 20 minutes or so that they got, but it was windy and one guy is a little naked and started shivering. They were all so sleepy after their outing that they immediately settled down into the brooder for a nap. They arranged themselves in a little half circle--so cute, and I had left my phone inside :(

After I came home from lunch, they were all moved away from the lamp, so I've turned it off for now. I'm really hoping they won't need it soon!!

Bubra, how are yours coming along? I think ours are about the same age?

I've seen a lot of tractors that are basically just a giant box covered on one end. Is it okay to just leave the bottom open? We don't have any predator issues, but I worry about them if the grass gets damp.[/IMG

What is this mass? Is it an impacted crop?? How do I treat this little baby, yall know??
I'm so glad you think it's normal. I've never seen such a HUGE crop on a chick before!! It looks like a tumor on the side of its face!! I brought it inside,semi-forced it to drink water through a syringe, cooked it an egg with about a tablespoon of olive oil.

I forget how stressful baby chicks are! I get chicky amnesia each time after caring for a new flock!!!
Got the chicken nuggets some outside time today! We had to miss yesterday since it rained all day long. I was much happier with the result. I pulled their food overnight and then scattered their morning ration in the grass. Lots of running and scratching and a little playing keep away lol! I would have liked to keep them out for longer than the 20 minutes or so that they got, but it was windy and one guy is a little naked and started shivering. They were all so sleepy after their outing that they immediately settled down into the brooder for a nap. They arranged themselves in a little half circle--so cute, and I had left my phone inside :(

After I came home from lunch, they were all moved away from the lamp, so I've turned it off for now. I'm really hoping they won't need it soon!!

Bubra, how are yours coming along? I think ours are about the same age?

I've seen a lot of tractors that are basically just a giant box covered on one end. Is it okay to just leave the bottom open? We don't have any predator issues, but I worry about them if the grass gets damp.

Mine don't seem to be eating their chick starter well...but I didn't think of withholding feed yet! Sounds like your had a great field trip in the outdoors!!

I would think an open bottom tractor would be long as the ground isn't getting saturated with rain.
So my sweet hubby brought me home 2 ducklings from TSC tonight! They are in with the cornish babies. It's so cute watching the chicks try to eat from the ducklings beaks when they take bites of feed....maybe they think the ducklings are their mommy's?

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