First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Oh yes, Ralph, except for he keeps me on my toes, and that's saying alot.

I think Sunny squatted for me today!! I'm expecting an ostrich egg any day now.
At that size, I'm sure of it.
I had the best day. Not doing a lot. Just counting my blessings. A great day to be alive. Down in beautiful La.
I really do not watch their feed anymore.

They get a little mash everyday but mainly corn, wheat, barley and whatever they happen to find in the barren waste land of winter here.

They get table scraps but they have to beat the other birds to them.

They are not seeming to gorge themselves or gaining ungodly amounts of weight.

I think they learned sensible eating habits when they were young and I restricted food.

I also think they are using the food as energy to keep warm in their unheated, unlit igloo.
It was a bittersweet day yesterday, as we processed our remaining 7 CX chickens. They were 9 weeks old. It's good to have that all done and be able to disassemble the meatie shelter and let their yard start to revive, but I was truly sad to see the chickens go. I already miss their stampede to greet me in the morning.

After much debate, we decided not to keep any from this cycle. The runty hen was the last to go, and my husband said he almost changed his mind at the last minute and put her back. But we decided we just were not set up with enough inside coop space to add chickens willy-nilly. Plus, this was not going to be our last batch of CX, so there would be plenty of other future candidates to pardon once we expanded our coop. As it was, the runt turned out to be a solid 4 lbs dressed.

Ralphie -- that ad is too funny. Such pretty eggs though.

Jessica -- I hope Sunny lays an egg soon. I'm interested to here when she starts as well as what the egg size turns out to be. I'm going to time my next batch of meaties, so than any pardoned hens will be in a position to pitch-in with egg-laying while my regular layers are going thru the molt.
Jessica When is Sunny's birthday?

I need to know so I can figure out when my babies might start laying eggs.

Eeeeek! My babies are 19 weeks old, They could start laying eggs anytime now...BUT I doubt they will with the short days and cold weather.

(For LindaB) Cold weather is like living in your freezer. Only colder, wetter and windier. Many of us up here seek shelter in the freezer on the colder days...

BTW It helps keep the alligators at bay.
Jessica When is Sunny's birthday?

I need to know so I can figure out when my babies might start laying eggs.

Eeeeek! My babies are 19 weeks old, They could start laying eggs anytime now...BUT I doubt they will with the short days and cold weather.

(For LindaB) Cold weather is like living in your freezer. Only colder, wetter and windier. Many of us up here seek shelter in the freezer on the colder days...

BTW It helps keep the alligators at bay.
Thought about you today. I knew you'd be laughing uncontrollably at my story. I put it on another thread and they sent me hugs.

I have been coming on here for a year. Even before I got chickens. Seven months before. I feel like I have learned an immense amount of info. BUT, if I ever say anything to offend anyone or make you think I'm getting above myself, you have my permission is say two words. Rooster Cull.
That says it all. Never have I made such a production of anything. Thank you Jesus, I was alone on the property.

This was the single rooster in the Cobb 500 breeders rescue. He was about 15 months old and about 15 lbs. Big heavy bones. I was going to try something new and use the broomstick method. Now, I'm 67 and me and him did not agree at all. I had him bound and covered in a towel and when I tried to pull up. Nada. He struggles and I went flying backwards.
Pitiful. I managed to get back up and retrieve him. And I had no other way planned except to do it like the lady on youtube. Wrapped in a towel in my lap. I cut onle side of the throat and he was bleeding fine so I didn't bother with the other. After 3 minutes, I thought, wow, this was easy, he didn't even struggle. Then he raised his head and looked around. Not laughing anymore. I had to do the other side and hold him while he thrashed around mightily. Finally it was done and I began to peel him. I was only going to do the breasts and thighs and legs but he was so big I couldn't cut through the bones. I managed to fillet the legs and one thigh and the other came out whole. I have about 6-7 lbs of meat but I think I'll be keeping the hens forever. And ever. Amen.

You would be right if you think I'm not ever telling my family.
What in the world is the broomstick method?

One of my young Toms helped me make a decision today. I was carrying table scraps to the birds. Whenever I go to the coop all the turkeys come running to greet me. They then turn around and follow me. They have followed me to the far side of the pasture, which is just under 1/4 mile away.

For the last few weeks the toms have been playing young turkey games. They dance with each other, they chest bump, they follow the poor hens trying to get as close to the hens as they can, the hens ignore them.

Basically, they are misbehaving teenage turkey boys! Today I heard a loud drumming coming from the shed. I went into the shed and a young Tom was on the top of a barrel doing the mating dance/drumming (Like a grouse does). The empty barrel was a great amplifier. He was so proud of his racket he did not even stop when I asked him what he thought he was up too?

Anyways back to the original story, I was carrying the scraps and the turkeys greeted me and followed me towards to coop. The turkeys are not big table scrap eaters like the chickens are. I was watching the chickens who where expectantly waiting for me at the feeding area. All of a sudden I felt a huge rush of air and flapping on my left side behind me. It appears a young tom said "pick me, eat me, I want to die." by attacking me! The choice has been made. This is the same tom that I thought made a run for my grand daughter.

Any one want to guess where this turkey will spend Xmas eve? I can give you a hint it is 360 degrees cooler than where he will be Xmas day.
I laughed so hard at this it earned me "the look" from my children.

LOL way too funny!

Er: In the process of logging in, it dropped the quote -- that's in response to the email suggesting to give away the wife.
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