First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

That is what they are..

I happen to have been a TSC today.  I saw them in the TSC here.   They had a sign on it saying they needed at least 24% protein.....That is bull......

If you want a good success rate with few if any deaths, you will slow the rate of growth down.. Those of us on here are all about slowing them down and making them healthier.  People wil tell you they only live 6-8 weeks.

This is true if you feed them as much as they want and do not force them to walk and forage.

If you want a firmer meat, and a larger bird you will limit their feed.  The rooster on my avatar picture is my CX. the same bird you bought. He is 9-10 months old now, He is trying to have babies now. He is healthy and a sweetheart.

I would  buy one bag of 20% protein and   then feed them 16% and allow them to free range or use a tractor.    I also feed them table scraps. They love them.

I give them girt and oats as a scratch to keep them busy and fill their crops, which is hard to do.

I am feeding them organic feed that is 19% protein and they will get some pieces of ears of organic corn trying to keep organic.
19% with the corn should work out just fine, the protein content of the corn will dilute the protein in the 19% feed.

Be sure you feed them grit with the grains. Keep the water a fair distance from the feed and only feed them 2-3 times a day I do twice a day 15-20 minutes a time.

I know people will think you are nuts slowing them down BUT I promise you, you will like the results when you process and eat...

On the hatching front 8 chicks, one is doubtful, the membrane did a heat shrink on it, we had to help it. I have been adding water drops to keep humidity up.

1 creamette egg has pipped, no headway in 4-5 hours, I am worried.

3-4 others have pipped and that is all. One pipped about 12 hours ago and has just sat there since. I fear it is dead.

Hatching time is always such a pain, seeing problems, not able to help, not sure if you should help...Arrrrrrgh

Ethel ran off for about 3 hours today, I have no idea where she went, I was watching her so I could follow her and she disappeared. I am making no headway with my DW and her IPhone her unreasonableness is going to drive me to drink!
I am feeding them organic feed that is 19% protein and they will get some pieces of ears of organic corn trying to keep organic.

I used a similar feed the past 2 summers. Mine was only 18%, though. They grew really, really slow on that feed but it was good healthy growth. Last year, I added chopped raw liver and non-fat ricotta cheese to the ration every other day for the first 3 weeks, to get it to 20% for a while. That batch was a better mix of growth and health. Both were pastured. Your chicks sound like they're getting off to a good start!
I used a similar feed the past 2 summers. Mine was only 18%, though. They grew really, really slow on that feed but it was good healthy growth. Last year, I added chopped raw liver and non-fat ricotta cheese to the ration every other day for the first 3 weeks, to get it to 20% for a while. That batch was a better mix of growth and health. Both were pastured. Your chicks sound like they're getting off to a good start!

We are going to put them in tractor coop as I have property the only problem it is still cold and we still have snow on the ground in Central NY. I am getting more chicks next weekend we are picking them up.
Can we please stop the argument over fermented feed.

I have seen other threads closed over arguments like this. When people feel strongly about something regardless of the validity of it or not, tempers flair and the Moderators step in and close the thread.

I for one do not want this thread closed.

We have enough trouble here convincing people CX's are real chickens and not Frankenstein's creation.

Love ya Ralphie. And it's funny that fermented feed usually brings out the naysayers. Not important. World hunger is important. War is important. What we choose to feed our chickens is only important to us. Don't like it? Don't do it. Enough said. No more arguments. Ignore the ones that keep on and on. I love our thread. And I've really missed you guys. I'm home, sitting with my feet propped and computer in my lap. MY REPAIRED computer.
In rehab the only way to visit was through the smart phone. I'm not crazy about the size that I'm supposed to read. I was able to visit my chickens twice this afternoon. A little neglected. But I'm here and will bring them back to their glory.
Okay, wow. I leave the Bar and Grill for what? One day? Two days? and my bouncer, Ralphie, has to get to work? Note to self, stop being so busy and tend Bar darn it!!

So, on the fermented feed: I don't do it. I have 800 birds that eat 2 1/2 tons of feed each month. I do not have time to have soaking buckets of feed that have to be hauled to the farm 32 miles away and then try to make washable feeders, etc. etc. Sure, maybe I'd save money but I wouldn't save sanity or time. Do I find the idea of fermented feed interesting and the results people claim fascinating? Absolutely! I'm not sure that I believe that it is way better or not. Either way, the choice is the person who chooses it to make and no one else's. Trying to explain why it is a nonvalid choice does nothing but cause tempers to flare. No one will change their mind on it. Kinda like religion.

So, let's just respect each other's choices here whether you like it/agree with it or not. This thread is for support, learning from each other and friendship. We share and don't argue. The goal we all have is the same, to raise happy healthy chickens for meat, eggs and companionship.
Now on to chicken stuff!

So exciting! All the eggs hatching and babies! Wooohooo! My babies turned 6 weeks old yesterday. I can't believe it! They are loving their outdoor space and growing so fast. I had the crazy realization that sexlinks can lay early especially when raised in the Spring and within the next two months I better get prepared! That is a WILD thought!

My hubby is nearly done constructing the roll out nesting boxes for the chicken tractor. He had to do a test run with the actuator to show how the box floor with come up at night to kick hens out and back in the morning. IT IS AWESOME!! I will post a video of it working when it is all done. It is that cool!

My hen that was acting funny spurring the discovery of the lice and subsequent dusting of everyone, is improving! She is still wobbly at time but I'm pretty sure that she laid the egg that I thought was also bound today. She was out in the pasture with the rest of the flock and even made it to her spot on the roost tonight. She is moving a little slower than usual but definitely better than the night I found the problem. She spent two days in chicken hospital. I served her enough electrolytes, vitamins, scrambled eggs, diced chicken and calcium to obviously make a difference. My dh found her freaking out in the cage and put her down on the ground. She sprinted straight to the coop and into the nesting box. She stayed there for hours including overnight. I didn't move her because I did actually feel an egg in her abdomen. Today, this was the result.

So relieved. I admit. I cried when I thought I may lose her. She is my head hen. My sweet, spunky, controlling Houdina!! It was horrible seeing her like this. I am a real softie aren't I?
Hi Guys,
Where did you get the idea that there is an argument about the fermented feed concept? As one educated in Animal Science, Zoology and Animal and Poultry Nutrition and even though retired from professing, I'm still available for educational purposes when a situation warrants it. In short this old man is available to friends and acquaintances. Nothing mean spirited about it; just read my statements which you will see are couched in enthusiastic positive tones. If you see a proponent of mean spirited argumentation then you should deal with that person directly, if it bothers you enough, but never shut down First Amendment discourse, for this is the way free Americans trade information. It is a healthful activity. What you are proposing might be an example of throwing out the baby with the bath water. If trading data is discouraged then why have blogs? I love this forum and the great folks who occupy it!
Most sincerely,
Neal, the Zooman
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Hi everyone! We're doing our first run of CX this year, just 5 pullets for now. I'm actually hoping to keep them alive long enough to breed to my Langshan cock. However, if their health starts suffering I'll butcher them out.

Currently they are 2 weeks old and are being raised with a variety of breeds of other pullets. We moved them out into the coop with the adult flock earlier this week and they are very happy at all the extra space to scratch and fly. Our adults are very, very easy-going and have never offered to bother any chicks in the past. They're completely ignoring the new batch of chicks.

We keep the food nearby, but let them run out completely between AM and PM feedings. Waterers are scattered all over the coop and they have to walk to get to any of them. They're on a 20% chick starter, then will move onto a 19% all-purpose with soaked alfalfa pellets, and finally onto a 15% layer ration with soaked alfalfa pellets. They'll also be encouraged to free-range with the rest of the flock, get kitchen and garden scraps, and clean up grain spilled by our larger livestock.

They remind me of big dogs that think they're lapdogs.

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