First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Ralphie my first birds came from Sunnyside hatchery in Beaver Dam because I work in town and could pick them up at the hatchery. I have a rabbit breeder friend who has used them for years and highly recommended them but she had similar issues with the batch she did the same time I fid mine last fall. On a positive note I got 20 Sagitas from them at the same time as my first batch this spring and other than the one I squished with a feed tray the first week( I didn't see her I swear!!!) They are all extremely active and growing well. I may keep a few hens for eggs this fall:) as for limiting feed I unfortunately can't free range as my birds are on a friends hobby farm and it's just not possible. There feed trough gets filled once daily around noon with the goal of them being able to eat free choice during the afternoon and run out late in the evening or have a small amount left to snack on in the morning before I make it out to the farm. I start them on a 20% fermented crumble and start adding hay pellets and a bit of mixed birdseed to the mix at three weeks. At 5 weeks I switch to a 17% layer pellet in the FF mix. I also use ACV in their water. Any suggestions for ways to keep these guys healthy would be appreciated. The remaining CX from the first batch will hopefully get processed next weekend. All are active well feathered have good color in thier comes and Wattles and no leg ptoblems:) they enjoy dust bathing and generally digging in the dirt but really show very little interest in fresh greens(unlike the Sagitas who will fight for every scrap of greens). I'll post my final processing weights on thease guys and updates on the new meatballs as things happen:)
Well 6 went to freezer camp these were 91/2 weeks and the females dressed between 6.50 lbs to 7.25 lbs and the one male weighted drumroll 11.25lbs dressed I am amazed at the weight and growth.
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Mine aren't that big yet. But I haven't weighed them in 2 weeks. I think I have 1 roo in the bunch. Not sure though. 10 weeks old today. Olive/Oscar hold its tail feathers up and the other 3 don't. But the waffles and comb are the same on all of them. It is also the most vocal but it almost sounds like barking or squawking.
I give them 17% layer pellets at 630am and then they free range until dark. I give them 1 treat a day. I hope mine get that big
MM now you understand how JJ goes on walks with us and the dogs...

Last night we watched the toads play, and sipped on a Mike's.  JJ came over to talk to my DW. She reaches out to pet him and he takes a half step away, to show everyone he is not some petting zoo bird, then leans up against her legs as she scratches and rubs his neck and back.. Silly birds.

Did I tell you all, I am converting to chicken drinking cups on 30 gallon barrels?  They are so much neater, less spillage and I only have to fill them every 4-5 days!

I have started using those cup waterers, too.

We are only using 5-gallon buckets - where did you procure 30-gallon barrels?
Good job, Double Kindness!

Linda, I hope you'll frequent some of the threads we are on together over your season off. Have fun visiting your friend!

Ralphie, I'm just catching up on this thread - the last I checked was 23 days ago! But I hear you have toads and Bert's foot is all better. I'm so happy to hear it. I have decided to keep a couple meatballs this year & see how they do.
Schipmom, my meatballs are from Sunnyside, too! Here they are a week ago with some barnyard mixes I hatched out last week & my daughter's little bunny.

You can only see a few, but there are about 60 chicks altogether.

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I am sorry you need to give up on chickens right now, but one must do what they must.

I know I will have to cut back or change in a few years. I have a feeling as soon as my Wife retires I will have to get rid of all of mine too, as she wants to travel some, Whereas. I just want to sit home raise chickens, fish and drink.......... I might miss her when the house gets messy.

I cannot see anyway I will sell JJ and Ethel, but it could happen, I guess.

Ha!!! I understand. I'm keeping my options open. I have three months to garden before my trip. DD Jenny said if I get bored I can do medical sitting for pocket change. Silly girl. I'm retired and am not EVER working again.
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I know I have a small flock but We trained ours to drink from a hamster water bottle as chicks. We have 6 bottles hanging in and around their enclosure. Hold about 2 letters each. I really have no water mess. And only 6 birds. We fill them about every 3 days
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