First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

The ducklings are adorable!

I'm closely monitoring my poor broody. She ended up hatching out 3 chicks but did not take care of herself at all. Today, I pulled an emaciated and poo encrusted broody off of her nest. She was sitting on the 3 live chicks and 4 eggs in various stages of going rotten. She couldn't even walk a first.

I've hand fed her scrambled eggs and BOSS as she mothers her 3 hatchlings and am hoping for the best.
You do know where bad little boys end up going for lying, don't you?


Did you know you cannot add an emoticon from an IPhone?

Lol. Ralph its your lucky day 3 of these babies are for sale right now. And did I mention that they r more hardy and cold tolerant than chickens? Mine sleep in our quonset and they r 4 weeks old and fluffy still. If I was there Ralph I'd teach you how to put emojis up from your phone. But this will have to do. You just have to hold down you enter button and you should get all kinds of emojis. At least thats what you do on an ipad.

And the fine specimen's themselves. One day Ralph I will convince you to get ducks!!

Lol. Ralph its your lucky day 3 of these babies are for sale right now. And did I mention that they r more hardy and cold tolerant than chickens? Mine sleep in our quonset and they r 4 weeks old and fluffy still. If I was there Ralph I'd teach you how to put emojis up from your phone. But this will have to do. You just have to hold down you enter button and you should get all kinds of emojis. At least thats what you do on an ipad.

And the fine specimen's themselves. One day Ralph I will convince you to get ducks!!


I was talked into geese by an innocent 4H girl last year, NEVER will I have another waterfowl.... UNLESS I can convince my DW to move full time to Togo.. and the chances of that are nil.
Holm, I'm almost sold! I think ducks are in my future, but probably next season. Are they little Pekins??

Yep they're Pekins. If u decide you want to do ducks this year let me know. I have more hens sitting on duck eggs and 13 eggs in the bator.
Nice job on the processing, BTW. Good weights for the grow out period. Did you just raise the five this year or will you be doing more soon?

I hope your broody gets back into condition soon, Morrigan. I've heard to give them chick starter for a while to help facilitate that. Seems to be working with my little silkie, but she wasn't as far gone as your girl.
I can't possibly match those ducklings for sheer cuteness, but here are some pictures of my broody with her new hatch.

Nice picture..

I like seeing a mother hen with babies. I have a EE that is setting and suppose to hatch tomorrow, but I have my doubts about her commitment to her job. I will be happy if DW sends me a picture of her and babies!

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