First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Like I said.If it works GREAT. I personally dont beleive it. Irregardless of what anyone other than a bonofied poultry biologist. You have got my curiosity going though.gonna see if i can get ahold of one of the University's and get their take on it.
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Linda,I sent an email to one of the faculty Phd members at A&M. I will let y'all know what a biologist has to say. There may be something to it. Hormones can make meat tough. Maybe fear tightens up feathers. I really don't know. Curious to see what they say.
Looking at today's rate 1 us dollar is 1.14 euros. I plan to buy a couple when I return home. The idea is that if the fear response is not invoked, then the muscles don't have adrenaline pouring into them, making them tense up. If they are relaxed then the feathers slide out more easily.there is research around this but I can't access that here and now. As Linda says there are other pithing forums on BYC as well you can read up on.
Drat - lost message, will retype reply. Today's rate us dollar is 1.14 euros.
the idea is that when the chicken doesn't have time to pour out adrenaline into their system, the muscles aren't tensed and therefore don't hold on to the feathers as tightly. Lots of info on pithing on BYC
I would think even a chicken is smart enough to know when someone grabs their legs hangs them upside down and brings something that looks like a stainless steel Nazi concentration camp torture device towards its head it is time to be afraid...
Could allways try giving them nyquil
Nyquil would help stop them from having runny noses..

I am thinking of putting my babies into a covered run. As much as I like free range it might happen. They will hate it they cover 2-3 acres a day looking for bugs now. It is a combined flock of baby turkeys, chickens and toads. I am going broke feeding them grower right now, as the adult birds can get to it. I may try to make a creep feeder, but am not sure how that would work as some of my EE hens are smaller than the babies, especially the toads.

One of the toads got caught in a live trap yesterday I have out for predators. I thought at first it was "hussy" the white rock, that's how big the toads have gotten.

Also by putting the babies in a run/fence/pen I can put a hen in with Bert, and maybe get more toads. The down part is I would have to wait 5-6 weeks to incubate and then with hatching it would be Sept. NOPE not a good idea. I live with the two toads I got.

I still need to order my CX's or I will be meatless this winter. I am the worlds best procrastinator.
I'm back! I'm sure everyone missed me terribly.

Ralph- You are indeed the worlds worst procrastinator. And your use of words has become very creative thanks to the police here at BYC. Mine has too.

Okay everyone. Prepare to be sad.

Pearl did not make it to her first birthday.
The (insert any foul language that would make a sailor blush) fox came in the yard and made a nice Sunday brunch of her.

Then he came back 2 other times, middle of the day, and picked off Clyde and Kokanee.

Guess who has a loaded gun sitting on the back deck? (out of the reach of my children, of course)

No toad making for me. I was going to keep a CX roo and breed him to the Dixie and Pearl. Now the fox has eaten them both.
MM I am saddened to hear about Pearl.

I have been fighting predators lately too, I have been setting traps every night but no luck yet. The toad that was in the trap is and was not happy, it was my rooster toad. He appears to be pouting this AM still.

I am so hoping Bert makes his first birthday, I want to have a picture of him with his birthday cake.

I am thinking of not allowing the toads to eat much processed chick grower anymore. They look too much like CX's and I worry they will over eat. I need them alive so they can have an incestuous relationship and produce more toads.

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