First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Well it looks like my poultry adventure is over
. Due to some family issues we will be selling most of them and might keep a few. I want u all to know you have a special spot in my heart and I thought of u all as family and that u all helped me through your funny and amazing posts when things werent going to well before. :hit

I am sorry to here that I hope things work out for you
Okay, so I missed what seemed like one day but turned into 6 pages on this thread. Loving the pics and conversation. I missed saying bye to MM before her trip but I'm sure she'll have a good one. JR is here to discuss Target and Ralphie is keeping MMs stool clean.

Holm: That is very sad you have to get rid of some of your birds. I hope the issues clear up and you can get back to biz as usual.

On my homefront: We have now been visited by the Dept of Agriculture which went well. They love what we are doing and are a great resource now. The County has been in contact and we are working with them, all mostly positive. The police have been here now based on multiple calls of feathers entering complaining neighbors yard as well as visiting chickens. WHAT A DISGRACE, especially while she enjoys the daily egg left from the hen she named and didn't want us to move to pasture with the rest. The officers apprehended one criminal hen and released her to us on good behavior.

Who should I expect next? Do you know JR? Dog the Bounty Hunter maybe? Frick!
Okay, so I missed what seemed like one day but turned into 6 pages on this thread. Loving the pics and conversation. I missed saying bye to MM before her trip but I'm sure she'll have a good one. JR is here to discuss Target and Ralphie is keeping MMs stool clean.

Holm: That is very sad you have to get rid of some of your birds. I hope the issues clear up and you can get back to biz as usual.

On my homefront: We have now been visited by the Dept of Agriculture which went well. They love what we are doing and are a great resource now. The County has been in contact and we are working with them, all mostly positive. The police have been here now based on multiple calls of feathers entering complaining neighbors yard as well as visiting chickens. WHAT A DISGRACE, especially while she enjoys the daily egg left from the hen she named and didn't want us to move to pasture with the rest. The officers apprehended one criminal hen and released her to us on good behavior.

Who should I expect next? Do you know JR? Dog the Bounty Hunter maybe? Frick!
Wow, just wow. Glad your girl didn't have any priors on record but she best be careful now! Karma is a female dog, it will come back to your neighbor.
Well it looks like my poultry adventure is over
. Due to some family issues we will be selling most of them and might keep a few. I want u all to know you have a special spot in my heart and I thought of u all as family and that u all helped me through your funny and amazing posts when things werent going to well before.
Holm - so sorry to hear that! I really hope things work out so you can have some chickies in your future!
Ralph and JR - I would say 'the more the merrier', but as this is a combo delayed honeymoon and celebrating my b-day....that might get awkward

Alaska has been on my bucket list for over a decade, so very excited - I'm having fun planning what we'll do and where we'll go. The problem is...there is so MUCH of it, and so MUCH to do, that I'm having trouble deciding. Definitely on my list - finding Alaskan Chickens and checking out their coops - I figure if they can survive in it in Alaska they can survive in it in WI (with some modification for our 105 heat index days).

Jessica - WOW - that's all I can say. We have a 'special neighbor' too, but thankfully I'm very far away and out of sight of him. I can't imagine having to put up with it. I applaud you for sticking to your guns and working the system. It's too bad the removing the named chicken to pasture and removing egg privileges would likely only exacerbate the situation...sigh.

For those of you with layers and meaties - you will appreciate the fact that on days I work from home, my girls seem to know exactly when I have a conference call and choose to sing the egg song then, generally in Rounds and for at least 10 minutes. (Note to self, bring eggs to nearest neighbor who works shifts to apologize)...
Ralph and JR - I would say 'the more the merrier', but as this is a combo delayed honeymoon and celebrating my b-day....that might get awkward

It would not be that awkward for us.....

I hope you enjoy Alaska. I was there about 6-7 years ago, I found it somewhat disappointing. The Mountains are beautiful. An ocean is an ocean no matter where. The trees were "scrub brush like". The wind blew at around 800mph when I was there.. But I still want to go back, I saw such a small part of Alaska, and there is so much of it.

I gave my CX's dirt/sand/gravel today. They all but ignored it, hopefully when I feed them tonight they will have dug through it. This weekend they move outdoors...

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