First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

MM glad you had a great trip.
Jr must be chicken math?
the ducks have been naughty today. they actually found they re way into a neighbors house. I checked my face book and she had posted thees pics and caption " I guess I'm hanging with these guys today"

in chicken news Pixie is 20 weeks today and 8lbs and 9oz. shes the smallest. Sandy the largest is 10lbs and 2 oz

still have no idea what breed
Ralph, uncover my stool!  I'm back home from the great frozen north!  Well, it is not frozen at all.  It was, in fact, the hottest it has ever been in BC since I started going there 10 years ago.  And the hottest my hubby remembers and he has been visiting for 25ish years!

TT, I hope you are staying cool!  And don't let anyone smoke near your property, it may burst into flames! 
I considered getting in touch with you while we were there, our stay was extended due to the BC day or whatever holiday there was last weekend.  We could not get a ferry back to the mainland.  But, we enjoyed our couple extra days by fishing, touring the islands and eating at the Dinghy Dock.  I told my DH I was going through poultry withdrawals and needed to go see you.  He laughed at me and told me to pet an eagle. 

So, there was a ton of stuff I missed!  It took me over an  hour to read everything and catch up.  Sounds like business as usual.  With the exception of Holm selling off all his poultry!  How sad. 

Our trip was wonderful, but it is so good to be home!  The turkeys flew over the fence to greet us and have not let us have a moments peace since we arrived last night.  The girls are a bit miffed with us and are giving us the cold shoulder.  They were not thrilled at being cooped up without extra scraps and attention each day. 

The turkeys ate all the corn in the garden while we were gone, but I forgive them.  They are so cute.

sorry to have missed you! Yes it's pretty dang hot here at the moment.
Have just had some English relatives over for a week so finally relaxing today. It was lovely to see them but tiring.
hatched out 16 more MG chicks & 11 blue slate poults. Here are some pictures. I can imagine how happy your young turks were to see you!
sorry to have missed you! Yes it's pretty dang hot here at the moment.
Have just had some English relatives over for a week so finally relaxing today. It was lovely to see them but tiring.
hatched out 16 more MG chicks & 11 blue slate poults. Here are some pictures. I can imagine how happy your young turks were to see you!

The hen on the roost with the babies under her is SUPER!!
Lady has 51 Cornish giants 10 days old they are losing feathers any ideas?

Do you mean CX's or is Cornish giant a different "breed"?

CX's are not overly feathered and they can look like they are losing feathers when in reality they are just growing so fast their feather are sparse looking. This batch of mine is well feathered, BUT this is the slowest growers I have had, I am really holding them back and making them forage.

Are you actually seeing feathers on the ground?
sorry to have missed you! Yes it's pretty dang hot here at the moment.
Have just had some English relatives over for a week so finally relaxing today. It was lovely to see them but tiring.
hatched out 16 more MG chicks & 11 blue slate poults. Here are some pictures. I can imagine how happy your young turks were to see you!

They are so cute!! I love baby turkeys.
What do you have growing behind the fence? Is it horseradish?
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Do you mean CX's or is Cornish giant a different "breed"?

CX's are not overly feathered and they can look like they are losing feathers when in reality they are just growing so fast their feather are sparse looking.  This batch of mine is well feathered, BUT this is the slowest growers I have had, I am really holding them back and making them forage.

Are you actually seeing feathers on the ground?

Not sure that's just what she refered to them as
Not sure that's just what she refered to them as

I am willing to bet she is just not use to their naked little bodies, when compared to other chicks. I would suggest she feed them less, it will help. I know it is counter to logic, but the less you feed them the better they do.

I only feed mine once a day now. They need to free range the rest, This morning when I let them out they rush the grass and weeds and start picking weed seeds! It is so fun to watch them act like real birds!

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