First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!


Even in 'mutt' breeds they run different. I have three EEs, and each one has her own gait! My favorite of all my chickies is the 'run run run, oh no - the others are beating me to the treats, I will flap my wings and run and maybe fly 4-8 feet and cluck loudly like I'm in distress and hope they stop so I can catch up and/or pass' run.
I suppose that would work for large scales but for more exact weights you would need something a bit more high tech with zero function and what not idk really I've never weighed a chicken I've only used scales a lot
Today was my first day back at work.Worked in the rain all day.aaaaaarrrgggg!! When I got home my flock was there waiting to see me
actually they were waiting to be
I missed them today.
I hope work goes better the next day but look at the bright side it wasn't blistering hot or freezing cold( although I thought it was most of the day)
On another not my preggo lost her peerikeets today she's been bawling all day.. I'm going to try to get her 1-2 silkies she's been asking for, for a few months now if anyone knows of any for sale preferably cheap please let my know(pm me)
Pack of dogs has ended my chicken adventure for now. Only my Chihuahua and the cats survived. Dog is at the animal hospital after surgery tonight. 2 cats in hospital then released. Only 1 of the 3 murderers survived the GSWs.
Wow.. I understand you had to do what you had to do... Might have mixed feeling about the method used but... I guess you had to do it...
So sorry about what's happened that's very tragic so three dogs came in and killed all your birds attacked your chauhuahua and two cats? I hope you are ok.. That many animals killed I would think it was more then just three... I'd keep an eye out for more... But I hope everything gets better. There were acouple dogs roaming around here but they didn't seem interested in coming near my house. I was walking Malcolm ATM he is a pit mix they watched him for awhile and after he was done chasing a butterfly he realized they were there and a short stair down began with them high tailing it back where ever they came from didn't see them again.

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