First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Potato leafs or green parts of potato are poisonous, but I am not sure how strong it is. Green leafs and green potatoes are poisonous to humans too, I think it is cyanide than makes the green, but do not recall completely.

For potatoes, it's a crystaline alkaloid called solanine that is poisonous to chicken - for white potatoes; they are from the nightshade family. It's in the green parts of the plant, in the raw potato (sometimes you get a batch and you see a greenish tint under the skin?, that part). Solanine destroys red blood cells and can cause diarrhea and heart failure - in large enough doses. Remember - the dose (and route of entry) equals the poison. Also of note, sweet potatoes are in the morning glory family and are not a danger (raw or cooked) to chickens.

I feed my girls cooked potato, in moderation, but try to cut off the skins first. Red tomatoes are also in the nightshade family - though I do feed them, again in moderation, to the girls. They seem to love both.

Uncooked potatoes and uncooked soy are poision to chickebs.. not I said boiled heavily salted potatoes. . Plus cx meaties do not have super long life dpans if you're feeding them to fstten them up and not so much feed right?
I have never had a problem, I figure if they will dig it up and eat it they can, if they die, it's their fault, Natural selection, they should have been smarter..

Sort of like a burglar hiding in an gator pond, it strengthens the gene pool.
Lol! Can't remember where it was but I saw it in the news here too. Burglars ran from the cops and one "got away" except he didn't. Turned out the pond he was hiding from the cops in also had a resident gator. They confirmed he was dinner for the gator.
Lol! Can't remember where it was but I saw it in the news here too. Burglars ran from the cops and one "got away" except he didn't. Turned out the pond he was hiding from the cops in also had a resident gator. They confirmed he was dinner for the gator.

Rumor has it JR took the Beware of Gator sign off that pond and has it in his garage..

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