First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Ugh. So I'm going to trial over my chickens and the neighbor is stalking me on here too. It's quite creepy and stalker like behavior. It's really doing a number on my anxiety.

No matter what, I have a very good lawyer and even if I lose I won't be forced to give up my chickens. So idk what he hopes this accomplishes. Too bad we had to lose what we had considered to be a good friend and neighbor.

But that ship has done since sailed. Positive vibes appreciated.
Ugh. So I'm going to trial over my chickens and the neighbor is stalking me on here too. It's quite creepy and stalker like behavior. It's really doing a number on my anxiety.

No matter what, I have a very good lawyer and even if I lose I won't be forced to give up my chickens. So idk what he hopes this accomplishes. Too bad we had to lose what we had considered to be a good friend and neighbor.

But that ship has done since sailed. Positive vibes appreciated.
That just plain stinks! Sorry you are having the hassles, the cost is in the defense even if you win or don't have to get rid of your chickens. The fact that they are stalking you on a public forum is also a new kind of low. Good luck! Ooodles of positive vibes being sent your way. When is the trial?
Ugh. So I'm going to trial over my chickens and the neighbor is stalking me on here too. It's quite creepy and stalker like behavior. It's really doing a number on my anxiety.

No matter what, I have a very good lawyer and even if I lose I won't be forced to give up my chickens. So idk what he hopes this accomplishes. Too bad we had to lose what we had considered to be a good friend and neighbor.

But that ship has done since sailed. Positive vibes appreciated.

Some people so need to get a life - Neighbor, if you're reading this, GET A LIFE!!! What, you've got nothing better to do?!

But really, Double Kindness, sending you good vibes for a positive outcome.

- Ant Farm
I hope everything turns out ok for you "other DK" if there's anything anyone can do I believe you only have to ask.. Someone has been letting my chickens out in the morning I think they were trying to steal them because they left behind a ventilated box but idk
Today was a super sad day. We had to put both our almost 13 year old greyhounds to sleep today. They were old and in pain. Our hearts are just broken.

My bf of 10 years and I have been crying all day since the morning.

In other news, it started snowing. The weatheris calling for ssignificant amounts of snow/wind until Tuesday. My bones are hurting pretty badly.

I know my neighbor is reading this board/forum/post. I feel violated and that I have no place to vent/share/teach/learn because of his change in behavior this past 11 months. I stopped trying to bend over backwards to make him happy after realizing that no matter what I did nothing could appease him and he couldn't be reasoned with. It still hurts because we were such good friends up until this time last year when he had knee surgery. I think the painkillers he might be taking is what's caused him to be like this. Just because he's unhappy doesn't mean he has to make everyone else around him miserable too.

it's been a rough week guys. This is the one place I've always felt safe to talk honestly, but not anymore. That really bothers me the most. Him stalking me and making me feel scared.
Today was a super sad day. We had to put both our almost 13 year old greyhounds to sleep today. They were old and in pain. Our hearts are just broken.

My bf of 10 years and I have been crying all day since the morning.

In other news, it started snowing. The weatheris calling for ssignificant amounts of snow/wind until Tuesday. My bones are hurting pretty badly.

I know my neighbor is reading this board/forum/post. I feel violated and that I have no place to vent/share/teach/learn because of his change in behavior this past 11 months. I stopped trying to bend over backwards to make him happy after realizing that no matter what I did nothing could appease him and he couldn't be reasoned with. It still hurts because we were such good friends up until this time last year when he had knee surgery. I think the painkillers he might be taking is what's caused him to be like this. Just because he's unhappy doesn't mean he has to make everyone else around him miserable too.

it's been a rough week guys. This is the one place I've always felt safe to talk honestly, but not anymore. That really bothers me the most. Him stalking me and making me feel scared.

I'm so sorry about your greyhounds. I had two as well - one lived until age 9 and then died of a GI disease. I put the other one to sleep last Easter at age 14 - she was old and in pain, and it was time, but I cried and cried and cried.

- Ant Farm
I'm sorry about your dogs DK! It is tough having to do that but someyimes its for the best. Especially if they are in pain.

It sounds like Mr. Neighbor is going through a rough patch too. But that gives him NO reason to do that to others. Good luck at trial.

P.S. Mr. Neighbor cant u leave her alobe and stop stalking her!

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