First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Kris I understand the dilemma. My work schedule is similar. Feed them before you leave, feed them when you get home. As long as they have ample water they will be fine. An enclosed tractor or pen is the only safe way to free range "WHITE"broilers or any other white bird in my opinion. They are predator MAGNETS!!! The chicks will act like they are starving,don't cave in,the results of exercise and feed restrictions will make ALL the difference. Good luck.Make sure you have a healthy supply of electrolytes

Any links or forums you suggest reading on amount of feed per bird/per age?
Any links or forums you suggest reading on amount of feed per bird/per age?

The consensus seems to be whatever amount the birds can eat in 15-20 minutes.

Ralphie shared his article which is super helpful:
He focused on making them really big, but the info is solid no matter what your goal weights are. His birds get big because they're healthy.

Also, starting from the beginning of this thread has been great. Just slow haha
My nuggets made it through my weekend away! I was confident in the farm sitter's abilities, but that doesn't mean you don't breathe a sigh of relief when you get back ;)


I can't believe how big the little suckers have gotten in the two and a half days I was gone!

I have one very dominant roo that I've been laying my fingers on his back until he lays down. I don't let him peck me and don't let him bully the others while I'm present. I have only had laid back hens up until now--never even got a roo accidentally mixed in with my pullets. What can I expect as he gets older? I'd hate for him to have to go to freezer camp prematurely.

I have yet to raise a nice rooster. They all end up being aggressive, peck at the hens until they squat for them, and fight each other...but they are tasty in rooster and dumplings!
I have quite a few roosters most are laid back.I have a couple that run at each other and bump chest but no pecking. They only have a few weeks to go anyways so I don't worry.

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