First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Have my first 30 CX!!! They are 6 days old and almost everyone have already started developing the bald spots on bellies and back sides. Other than that growing fast and healthy. I started off with 31 down to 26. First few days had some weaklings i guess. Any thoughts on the bald spots
Have my first 30 CX!!! They are 6 days old and almost everyone have already started developing the bald spots on bellies and back sides. Other than that growing fast and healthy. I started off with 31 down to 26. First few days had some weaklings i guess. Any thoughts on the bald spots

My guess is they are growing too fast and the feathers are actually being pushed further from each other by the rapid weight gain. Slow them down....

Of course, slow them down is my answer to most CX problems.

I have a few toads growing in the inside pen, I will try to get pictures in a day or two. I want to see what they will look like before I show the world. The chests are starting to pop out a tad.
Oh they don't have breast feathers either. I think my next 30 I will give them more room to live in instead of the 7x7 pen I made
It's raining here AGAIN. I didn't go in to work,went out and ironically had to fill the water jugs in the It seems that the combination of 16% layer feed AND scratch has had the desired effect of slowing the growth rate of the Cx without having to restrict the overall feed. They have slimmed down and are much more active
Can someone answer me a question- we got Cornish cross chicks from TSC. They do not look like Cornish cross though. They are about 6 weeks old and SMALL! Like a standard chicken. Also- they are buff colored. In all honesty, they look like buff Orpington chicks. I'll post a picture here after a bit, but what do you guys think? Are they Cornish cross or did TSC mess up?

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