First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

We were taught as little kids that you NEVER make pets of food animals.  We could pet our dogs, cats, horses and sometimes our girlfriends but that was just about the extent of it.  Later on, we were told that our girlfriends were sometimes out of bounds and now we have a herd of big-headed POA/draft horses for 'emergency food'.

Everything stays the same but everything is also open to practical situations and personal interpretation.  :idunno


Pony of's a what does a POA crossed with a draft look like?? Do the breeds meet somewhere in the middle and you have a normal sized horse?
Great job. We give our birds a better quality of life than they would receive in a commercial setting. I pamper my birds,in return some are processed. I tell them thanks,then I get to work. Finding it difficult shows you have a kind heart.Being able to push past the emotional response shows you to be practical and able to survive without a grocery store.I don't drink any more,if i did I'd probably start bawling and turn them all loose.

Thank you for that. Everything you said is spot on! After being able to reflect on everything I feel much better. :)

Here is one of the meaties bagged up. 9 weeks and 5 lbs in its processed state. Ill finish the rest of them until they are gone every Saturday, 2 at a time. Its still so time consuming and taxing on me to process. I keep waiting to develop an indifference to the whole thing but im not there yet. I need a glass of wine.
Skip the wine. Tequila is faster.

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