First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

How's everyone?
Hope better than us!!!

Mr Fox doesn't care if they are my prized extremely rare red dorking, my breeders for next year which I had carefully selected and got rid of all the inferior birds. Mr Fox just kills them ALL!!!
I found ALL my chickens dead this morning. All of them except for seramas bantams which were housed separately. I'm surprised geese which were together with meat chickens were untouched.
So at least I know I'm keeping the geese for breeding.
What chickens shall I breed now for next year's meat???????

Not knowing the laws in the UK,,,,,but I know here the fox would have a painful death for such an offense...
Oh no that is really crap mate !!!!
I feel your pain it's happened to me a few times.
I now have a trap set all the time and regularly shoot them.

I now try to spread my birds around a bit so I can get blood lines back if needs be.

I will be breeding many types of meat bird crosses ( my hybrids and my hybrid x IG) in the spring that your welcome to have some.
Also I can sort you with some pure Cornish Indian Game if you would like some?
I've caught two foxes before. One in snares (already dead when I got there) and other one in live trap.
I promised I will make a fur hat from the next one!

Sorry to hear of the loss macgro7.
Ive found that an electric fence is irreplaceable.

Hate that happened to you. I'm looking to purchase one of the portable electric poultry fence kits soon.
Hate that happened to you. I'm looking to purchase one of the portable electric poultry fence kits soon.
I don't have any experience with the netting. I do have experience with determined predators,in my opinion anything that doesn't HURT them WON'T stop them. A lot of the stuff out there relies on the "startle" effect. In my experience it's not enough. Especially with dogs.
I don't have any experience with the netting. I do have experience with determined predators,in my opinion anything that doesn't HURT them WON'T stop them. A lot of the stuff out there relies on the "startle" effect. In my experience it's not enough. Especially with dogs.

I am not sure if this is entirely correct. I have found that Startled look they get as they see the flash of the shotgun can kill them.
I don't have any experience with the netting. I do have experience with determined predators,in my opinion anything that doesn't HURT them WON'T stop them. A lot of the stuff out there relies on the "startle" effect. In my experience it's not enough. Especially with dogs.

I think the electric poultry netting can be set as "hot" as any electric fencing.
Ralph,as usual your 100% correct.Although I prefer 22lngr. :)
Abbe,as I said I'm clueless about netting. My sons were commenting on the strenght of my fence over the weekend they are terrified Im going to buy the 32 joule 300mile charger.....he he he
it's on the LIST.

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