First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

Meat birds at 9.5 weeks old. It's been wet outside and they don't like to get off the ground if they don't have to, hence them being a bit dirty. Although they do still follow me around like lost puppys and act like they are starving at meal time.

Meat birds at 9.5 weeks old. It's been wet outside and they don't like to get off the ground if they don't have to, hence them being a bit dirty. Although they do still follow me around like lost puppys and act like they are starving at meal time.

So do you control their feed where they forage a lot? Most "people" already have them butchered at that age. Do you know their present weight? When do you plan to butcher? Thanks
So do you control their feed where they forage a lot? Most "people" already have them butchered at that age. Do you know their present weight? When do you plan to butcher? Thanks
I control there feed intake by feeding them a set amount of feed once a day. Other than that if they are hungry they have to go forage and find there own food like chickens. I don't know a current weight on them but most would put a decent sized bird on the table. Since I am growing them out for a breeding project I have no plans to butcher them.
I control there feed intake by feeding them a set amount of feed once a day. Other than that if they are hungry they have to go forage and find there own food like chickens. I don't know a current weight on them but most would put a decent sized bird on the table. Since I am growing them out for a breeding project I have no plans to butcher them.

OK, interesting. So will you keep them or sell them after you finish your project? Can I ask----is your project anything to do with how these chickens can be fed less than most do and not get so big they can't hardly walk in 8 or 10 weeks, etc? I had a neighbor that raised some of these with no plans of butchering(he did not know they growed so fast)----he somewhat controlled the feed but his deal did not turn out good.

These are Cornish cross aren't they??
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OK, interesting. So will you keep them or sell them after you finish your project? Can I ask----is your project anything to do with how these chickens can be fed less than most do and not get so big they can't hardly walk in 8 or 10 weeks, etc? I had a neighbor that raised some of these with no plans of butchering(he did not know they growed so fast)----he somewhat controlled the feed but his deal did not turn out good.

These are Cornish cross aren't they??

Correct, these are cornish cross. My project is similar to Ralphie's Toad project. So I will be crossing these with an existing rooster I have, than crossing those again. So I will try and keep these girls alive until I have enough chicks hatched out from them. Than I'll probably butcher them to make room for the next generation.

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