First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

119$ for 72"x100' no climb welded wire.
Don't understand why poultry wire is almost the same price per linear ft when it has less weight/metal!! How's that?

I do not know----I do not use that stuff. ALL my chicken wire cost about the same thing----"used" about $25 for a 6ft x 10ft section ready to install in about 1 minute per section. With 100% return should I decide to get out and resale in a few years.

I know of rules not to ask age of minors, BUT

How do you know it is a minor without asking the age?


It helps many times to know you are dealing with a minor and it explains a lot of the questions and the way the poster goes about things. What their plans with the birds are and where they plan to put them.

I think the only future we have in this country is with kids taking an interest in farm animals. farm life and learning to care for something other than Xbox... At my age I see a dim future the way things are going, but with kids interested in birds and animals and something other than their own narcissistic needs, there is a chance.

I help every 4H kid I find around here. Others might have to pay for birds, I will give birds to 4h kids.
I do not know----I do not use that stuff. ALL my chicken wire cost about the same thing----"used" about $25 for a 6ft x 10ft section ready to install in about 1 minute per section. With 100% return should I decide to get out and resale in a few years.

I have rows of dog kennels set up as breeding pens... Used dog kennels are cheaper than fencing.
I a neighborhood of cats. They are nice to eachother and they are good cats. I have a cat too which is extremely lazy until it sees something living other than a person or cat. All the cats are hunters and like to cats birds, lizards, etc. Don't know how they would do with chickens. BTW they are well-fed, they just enjoy hunting. A lot of times they bring kills to doorsteps as gifts, so they don't eat most of it.
I love the dog kennels too. Scrounge every one I can... Mine don't look as neat as yours do thou! Nice set up!

Thanks, I scrounged for a while---buying over 250 panels---some kennels were just 4 panels, some 6, etc. some I had to do some repair, some like new. I love them. Quick set-up, quick to move if I wanted. Free pens for my chickens I feel----being I know I can resell them for what I payed or more.
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I have rows of dog kennels set up as breeding pens... Used dog kennels are cheaper than fencing.
Used dog kennels are like free fencing compared to getting wire and post and days building a chicken pen. I bought 2 10x10 kennels in 1995 I am still using----people are posting wanted adds----willing to pay $100 or a little more for used dog kennels. After using these 2 kennels for 22 years now I know I could sell them for easy $100 each and I only payed $65 for one and $75 for the other. Try that with a homemade fence set-up of any kind.
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Used dog kennels are like free fencing compared to getting wire and post and days building a chicken pen. I bought 2 10x10 kennels in 1995 I am still using----people are posting wanted adds----willing to pay $100 or a little more for used dog kennels. After using these 2 kennels for 22 years now I know I could sell them for easy $100 each and I only payed $65 for one and $75 for the other. Try that with a homemade fence set-up of any kind.

Yep, I figure if I can buy a section for 40 bucks or less I am ahead and they will not depreciate...

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