First run of CX working out pretty good


6 Years
Apr 28, 2013
Hazelton, WV
My 53 birds are 6 weeks old today. Processing day is scheduled for a week from Friday (6/21/13). I just came back from weighing a few of them. The small one was 9 pounds and the big one was 9.8 pounds. I'm pretty happy with the progress. Now if I just just keep them from dropping dead before processing day, I'll be super happy.
Awesome! Did you raise them in pasture pens? I'm about to try them myself as soon as I finish my pens. Any pics of the meat birds?
I have a 12X12 coop with an 8X12 yard. They spend most of the time in the coop. I just don't have the property to free range or tractor them. They do eat and poop A LOT! The coop is getting cleaned often and my compost pile is growing. I read on here about the amount of poop and expected it but, WOW, this level is significant. HA!!!!

In the middle of that pile of meat is my lil Welsummer that came with the CX. He is the same age and makes for a good comparison for the CX to an average size chicken
They are huge! I can't wait to try this out! Bought lumber yesterday and will start the pens tonight. Thanks for sharing!

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