First sick chick in a while, please help! (also posted in 'raising chicks')


In the Brooder
May 30, 2020
Hello again!

One of our chicks (a Salmon Faverolles) arrived looking lethargic and was barely peeping (little hoarse noises instead of peeps). She's very wobbly and keeps her eyes closed most of the time. I have Save-a-Chick in the water and have been going about every 20 minutes to dip her beak in, which she happily drinks down. Off and on she'll look like she's getting around a little better and have her eyes open more but then next time I check she's back to being worse. The other chicks all look great and are eating/drinking as they please. I've had really good luck with meat birds the last couple years and haven't had a sick chick in a long time, so I'm kind of at a loss for what else to do. Thanks in advance, folks.
How long was she traveling to you from the hatchery? I would keep giving the electrolyte and fluids as often as possible. Can you check her vent to make sure there is no stuck on poop? Offer some chick feed mixed with water and a little egg yolk. Hopefully, she will perk up, but stressed chicks in the mail sometimes do not make it.
How long was she traveling to you from the hatchery? I would keep giving the electrolyte and fluids as often as possible. Can you check her vent to make sure there is no stuck on poop? Offer some chick feed mixed with water and a little egg yolk. Hopefully, she will perk up, but stressed chicks in the mail sometimes do not make it.
2-3 days, they shipped the evening of the 27th, got the call this morning to come get them. Her vent is all clear, I'll try the chick feed with water and egg yolk! Raw I assume? I'm hoping she perks up too, I've wanted this breed for a long time, but I'm not sure she will :(

Thanks so much.
Hello again!

One of our chicks (a Salmon Faverolles) arrived looking lethargic and was barely peeping (little hoarse noises instead of peeps). She's very wobbly and keeps her eyes closed most of the time. I have Save-a-Chick in the water and have been going about every 20 minutes to dip her beak in, which she happily drinks down. Off and on she'll look like she's getting around a little better and have her eyes open more but then next time I check she's back to being worse. The other chicks all look great and are eating/drinking as they please. I've had really good luck with meat birds the last couple years and haven't had a sick chick in a long time, so I'm kind of at a loss for what else to do. Thanks in advance, folks.
Sugar water use an eye dropper hold her and use a finger to gently open her beak give herv4 or 5 drops wait 10or 15 min give her more keep it up untill she is eatting and drinking regular. You have to use something to get drops in one drop at a time let her head go so she can swallow hope all is well
Three days is a long time. Mix 1/2 tsp of sugar and a tiny pinch of salt in a cup of water and feed her that. Poultry NutriDrench would be even better. Dosage is a couple of drops orally, and then give plain water.
Three days is a long time. Mix 1/2 tsp of sugar and a tiny pinch of salt in a cup of water and feed her that. Poultry NutriDrench would be even better. Dosage is a couple of drops orally, and then give plain water.
I have the sav-a-chick electrolyte in their water, is the nutridrench different or does it provide the same thing?
Sugar water gives them a boost the electrolytes are great however some chicks need an extra kicks it was a recommendation from the hatchery even though I told them I had the electrolytes they said the extra sugar gives them a boost won't hurt to try it helpped mine
So my girl is still kicking, although not markedly better. Her eyes are open a bit more, legs still pretty wobbly. Gonna keep giving her some TLC, my husband doesn‘t think we should give up just yet.
Just remembered that I forgot to update this. Poor little faverolles died two nights after this, but she really did put up a good fight. Thanks for all your advice.

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