First Sick Hen


10 Years
Apr 8, 2009
Washington State
She is an 18 month old Barred Rock.
Just finished worming with ivermectin. (We worm every six months. No signs of tape or roundworms, just ceacal worms.)
Prone to laying soft shelled eggs.
Molted earlier this spring and it was incomplete (she has a couple of bald spots where feathers never returned)
Good weight

Pale comb
Crop empty
Yellow poo with occasional bubbles (looks like egg yolk)
Abdomen feels hard but not swollen
Stands with eyes closed but will move with the flock to wherever they are
I cannot feel any eggs

Any ideas?
I am wondering if she has started internal laying with all the soft shell issues she has had. We had to pull a soft shell out of her a few weeks ago. As far as I know (I am not certain), she has been laying ok since then.
you should isolate her inside somewhere, maybe in a dog crate, in a dark, quiet place. I would check her vent very softly to see if there any broken shells that may be causing infection. Hopefully someone else will post more for you here, good luck with your girl

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