First thunderstorm with chickens in the tractor....

Oliver Douglas

Mar 25, 2015
We had a two hour downpour with lightning and thunder. I, of course, being a responsible chicken parent, went out to check on the four Barred Rocks that were caught in the rain in the tractor. They were huddled on the west end of the tractor, anxious to reach the sanctity and safety of their coop. I opened the door and they ran in....I closed the door and left them inside. Once the thunder had dissipated, about an hour later, I went back outside and they were ready to go back into the tractor, where their food was. Opened the door...out they went. It was still raining....but their appetites were stronger than their fear. Guess next time I will stay high and dry in the house and let them figure it out....tough love...
Chickens have zero "fear" of loud, violent weather. It's irrelevant to them. They will head for cover if enough rain is coming down to get them very wet. Usually. There are exceptions. But most of my chickens don't mind a light drizzle.
azygous, I am really glad to hear that. I have am putting a metal roof on the coop and the run. My daughter and I were caught in the barn (metal roof) 2 weeks ago during the massive storms in Texas. It was coming down harder than I've ever seen before, and the noise in the barn was deafening. Even screaming in each others ears, we couldn't hear. Happy to know my chickens won't be having a coronary out there.
Mine free range most of the day, and can get under shelter if they choose to do so. I usually see a flock of soaking wet, bedraggled chickens after we have a thunderstorm or rainy day here :). They'll get it figured out. My horses are the same way. Sometimes, they choose to stay out in the rain vs seeking shelter.

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