First time broody momma!


Aug 24, 2018
Can someone tell me why you use a wire bottom cage to break a broody hen? I’ve heard it to keep her from getting comfortable and I’ve heard it’s to keep her cool. She just started today but she’s an egg stealing, shrieking nightmare of a bantam right now. I have a small pet cage but unless I turn it upside down it has a solid bottom. Any advice would be amazing!
Can someone tell me why you use a wire bottom cage to break a broody hen? I’ve heard it to keep her from getting comfortable and I’ve heard it’s to keep her cool. She just started today but she’s an egg stealing, shrieking nightmare of a bantam right now. I have a small pet cage but unless I turn it upside down it has a solid bottom. Any advice would be amazing!
As I understand it, it's too keep her from nesting. If she can't feel like she can sit on the eggs in a nest, it should break her.
Ok so putting her in the cage I have upside down should be fine? The cage upside down not the bird it’s too chilly at night to leave her outside so do I just move the broody jail back and forth in and out of the coop? This is all so weird and I don’t remember doing this with our chickens growing up.
Ok so putting her in the cage I have upside down should be fine? The cage upside down not the bird it’s too chilly at night to leave her outside so do I just move the broody jail back and forth in and out of the coop? This is all so weird and I don’t remember doing this with our chickens growing up.

Hi and welcome to BYC. In answer to your question - it seems most people leave their broodies in cages within the coop for 5 days or so. This link should explain the process -

Good luck
Pork Pie
Welcome to backyard Chickens taking a broody yes getting air under the wings in a exhibition crate as I knew it in the dog world called it by "some air under the skirts" ...growing up there where leghorns and rode island reds when they went we gave them 12 eggs had new birds

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