First time candleing eggs!!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 3, 2009
I set 25 eggs last Sunday and candlled them for the first time today. I have 7 eggs that definitly have someone growing inside and 9 that I can't see because the eggs are too dark (ameraucauna x partridge chantecler). I have a few that I am still hopeful about and a couple that I just don't think are viable. Just wondering when I should candle again? Any thoughts?
I am in a similar situation. mine are 4 days old and i can already see them growing. I am going to candling in a few more days again because they grow. And it will just be interesting to see, as this is my first hatch. I would wait a few days and candle again:)
I've got 7 of my own in the bator + 8 shipped BCMs and candeling makes me sad. I have 1 that MIGHT be good from my BCMs and ALL of my own are going
Go figure. I just added my own eggs to give the shipped fuzzies more friends... now all I think I'm going to get is some of my own birds... Craigslist here we go
I have scoured the site and looked at all the candling photos. I have tried three different candlers. I just don't see anything but the air sac and the yoke/ Am I just inexperienced and not seeing veining? I cracked a couple and did see the bulls-eye. Help

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