first time candling, tell me if this egg looks good please! PICS

Thanks luvmychicknkids
ok, day 14, I candled again & I can only see one area that has what appears to be a tiny vein. But I'm not seeing movements, it just seems like the whole dark area floats around inside, no kicking or pulsing.
The egg is so dark though....I sure hope there is a baby in there.
Any other suggestions on how to candle a welsummer egg more effectively?
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Kelly, my only suggestion would be to candle in a darker room. Wait till night time, or go in a closet.

I am candling welsummer, marans and barnevelder eggs and have a REALLY bright flashlight. I can see veins and movement easily, but I still have to wait till dark, or hide in the hall closet.

If you are seeing a vein that's a great sign! Lots of times you won't see movement, the chick is probably just nappin!

good luck!
Chamelle-Thanks for the reply!!!
I was in my basement with no windows this time, I thought I might have seen one little kick or pulse, but I'm not sure.
I think I'll try again later.

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