First time Chick owner from Gig Harbor, WA

Welcome from a newbie chicken owner in Seattle! My chicks were hatched on April 15th and out of 8 we ended up with 3 (maybe 4, we're still waiting on one of the silkies) roosters that I had to rehome. I bought two more (Golden Comets) so we now have 7. The whole family loves them - even my husband who was a bit wary at first. This week we got our first egg (we are up to 4 now), it was a very exciting moment.
This site has been incredibly helpful in answering all my questions. Good luck with your chickens!
Hi Laura!
Welcome to the forum. I do not know about roosters in Pierce County. I think they are ok. I live in a sub division with neighbors so I don't want a rooster. Luckily all 3 of mine turned out to be girls! They are 19 weeks old now and running all over the backyard. I keep them cooped up until about noon and then I let them roam the yard. they always come back to the coop around 6pm. I have had no problem getting them back inside. I got my chicks when they were 2 days old from Cenex in Purdy. They were 90% sure they were girls. So not bad odds. Good luck with your chickens! I never thought that I would have chickens and I have to say they are very entertaining!

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