First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

I'm afraid once my girls are moved to their coop they won't know how to be chickens! So far my two EE have become lap pets that beg to be held and the six sex links enjoy watching The Lion King :)
Oh and they seem to enjoy music as well

Hahahahaha this makes me laugh out loud!
Hi guys, here are some pictures of my first hatchery chicks. Had chickens but not from hatchery. It has been a GREAT experience! !I'm VERY HAPPY with Meyer! !Here's the babies :)
Ok so my baby's came but I noticed one of my chicks isn't really doing much it has sleep for the past 3hrs (it woke up from time to time) so I put some sugar in their water and got a spoon and put some sugar water in it and let it sip out of it, was that the right thing to do? And I think one of them has diarrhea.. I don't think that's normal

You may want to treat for coccidiosis with Corid from tractor supply or a feed store. I treated the entire flock. My little runt was acting the same way plus some bloody stools. She would peep quietly with her eyes shut and not eat or drink..God love her. I was determined to not lose her. We would have been devastated. I dropper feed her water through the side of her beak. I didn't force it. I also gave save-a-chick vitamins and electrolytes and the probiotics. I mixed plain Greek yogurt with their medicated starter crumbles and also mashed up hard boiled egg in it a couple times per day. They went NUTS over that combo!! She pepped up in a couple days:) She is noticeably smaller than her 3 sisters but she is fine now, 3 weeks later, and acting like a chicken should!
Also, make sure they are warm enough. At 3 weeks I had mine at around 80 degrees at the warmer end of he brooder. I hope that this helps. Let me know how it's doing please.
You may want to treat for coccidiosis with Corid from tractor supply or a feed store. I treated the entire flock. My little runt was acting the same way plus some bloody stools. She would peep quietly with her eyes shut and not eat or drink..God love her. I was determined to not lose her. We would have been devastated. I dropper feed her water through the side of her beak. I didn't force it. I also gave save-a-chick vitamins and electrolytes and the probiotics. I mixed plain Greek yogurt with their medicated starter crumbles and also mashed up hard boiled egg in it a couple times per day. They went NUTS over that combo!! She pepped up in a couple days:) She is noticeably smaller than her 3 sisters but she is fine now, 3 weeks later, and acting like a chicken should!
Also, make sure they are warm enough. At 3 weeks I had mine at around 80 degrees at the warmer end of he brooder. I hope that this helps. Let me know how it's doing please.

I just had to do the same... treated for Cocci with Corid for 7 days. I lost my initially sick chickie (do to a slipped tendon, not cocci), but I am sure glad I treated ALL of my bunch. I have learned that usually chicks get cocci from being introduced to outside soil, a coop with chickens (who carry cocci but have an immunity to it), or unclean/cold/wet conditions. It wouldn't hurt to pick up some Corid and treat them all. You have to mix it into the water and give them ONLY the Corid-water for the time of your treatment (5-7 days). But for vitamins, you can always take their crumbles and add a little bit of chick-electrolyte water to the crumbles to make a mash and feed that to them. That is what I did, and not only did they get better (from the Corid treatment likely) but they also perked up (from the electrolytes).

If you don't suspect coccidiosis, then you could just grab some "save-a-chick" and add that to their water. Save-a-chick was the electrolytes I used and am referring to above. I mixed it in their water every other day, then every 3rd day for the first couple of weeks to give them all a boost. In between just gave them fresh, clean regular water.

Good luck!
Of course this happened as soon as we brought them home from the farmer that we bought them from. So their conditions may have been poor. I didn't see where they were kept. This is all after convincing my husband that chickens would be a great idea and that the kids would love it etc..about $100 later after I freaked out and bought every product on the shelf to save them, they are all doing fantastic! LOL!

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