First time Chickens


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 13, 2014
As a spur-of-the-moment hobby, my wife and I decided to get (4) blue laced red Wyandotte hens from a local feed store (Murdoch's). More as a family hobby for us an our 5 children.

I had built this particular structure in about 8 hours as we had already bought the chicks. Now I am in the middle of drawing up plans for the outdoor coop they will be going in pretty quickly, so I a told. any tips or suggestions would be appreciated.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC and to the world of chicken ownership! Nice choice on breeds, Blue Laced Red Wyandottes are one of my favorite chickens and colors. Looks like you put together a nice brooder, you might want to check out the coops section for ideas on building yours
Be sure to check out the BYC Learning Center, lots of good articles on all aspects of chicken keeping you'll find helpful.
And it is always fun to check out your state thread for chicken keeping neighbors and any hints they have for dealing with your local weather etc

X2 on the Coops section! You'll find some wonderful designs and ideas there. Also check out the Coop & Run - Design, Construction, & Maintenance forum section for more tips and advice.

Welcome to BYC!

Congrats on the new additions to the family! I love the Laced Wyandottes. My feed store is going to be carrying the Silver Laced Wyandottes in late May, so I may pick some up as well! Good luck with all your projects. Lots of links provided here by Sumi and Kelsie.

Welcome to our flock and enjoy yours as well!
. So went with A frame style and ended up with 3 white orpingtons as well. So my coop/ run is roughly 8x4. It's been slow going but I got a few week's before the chicks will be ready for it. So far we've only spent $125 dollars total on everything from chicks to materials. I think that's pretty good, I'll try to keep pics available for updates.
so after 'bout 3 weeks of finding spare time to build it, the coop is almost complete!

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