first time hatcher! update!!

Sounds like you are good to go!!!!! Good luck with your incubation time and don't forget to keep us posted on the hatch!!!!!

The white parents are sooo pretty!!!! I can't tell what color their legs are? They look like they have more Ameraucana traits than Araucana, b/c of their cute little muffs. I think that is muffs I see in the pic...hard to tell from the angle.

I can see why you purchased them. I really love my EE & Ameraucanas. Mine are very social.

Good luck!!!!!!
Just a quick update...temp is steady at 102 on top of the eggs. I'm using a Little Giant still air, with an automatic turner. The hygrometer is reading about 60%. I have no water in there and both the vent plugs open. Today is day 5. I got the eggs on Monday from the post office. I went ahead and unwrapped and set them right away as I had to go to work. Then was gone for a 16 hr shift. I had my husband monitor the temp and slightly adjust if necessary. I tried to candle last night with a strong flashlight. This is my first hatch so I'm trying to learn what to look for. My eggs are Ameracaunas. I've read they are harder to candle. So now I just wait. Very hard for me as I am definitely an instant gratification kind of girl!:|:|:|
Well, this first attempt at hatching was a bust. I had one little embryo that seemed to be doing fine. Now I don't see any movement. I think my hygrometer doesn't work properly and that everything dried out. I'm going to crack all 9 eggs today and see if I can learn anything from this experience. My own chickens are a few weeks from beginning to lay. I'll try again as I really want to learn this skill. This batch of eggs was shipped from so I know that the hatch rate was already expected to be low. Maybe I can find a local source for fertile eggs...
Anyway, thanks for all the good advice! I know more than I did when I started and will apply that to the next try!

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