First time hatching and Murphy's Law seems to be in full effect


Does anybody want to take any guesses on the colors? I know they change as they grow but it's still fun to guess. Mine so far are, out of 6, I have:
1 Black
1 partridge
1 Blue
1 White
2 paint
Again, I'm new to Silkies and could be totally off, so if you guys have any ideas, let me know! I was so discouraged with the first one and now... I am just over the moon! They are so stinking adorable and the whole family is in love! My 3 (young) sons named the first "Slimy Bob". Lol I love it!!


OMGoodness they are too cute!! my two are both boring black. Oh my I want to touch them !!! Awesome!

They are so friendly! My kids were fighting over who got to interact with them first in order to "imprint" on them. They are fearless of our hands compared to the feed store chicks I've bought. I really think it's because we cooed at them every day during incubation and our smooshed, grinning faces were the first things they saw. They probably think we are a bunch of big ugly chickens! ;) I had a rough week, and my youngest (and last) child started school for the first time, so I NEEDED some baby things to cheer me up! Lol
Congrats!! How did it go with the assisted hatch? Did I miss any posts....been a busy day here. Gonna have to back track and make sure I didn't miss anything.

Amy! You saved my butt! I can't thank you enough! You are awesome!!!
Does anybody want to take any guesses on the colors? I know they change as they grow but it's still fun to guess. Mine so far are, out of 6, I have:
1 Black
1 partridge
1 Blue
1 White
2 paint
Again, I'm new to Silkies and could be totally off, so if you guys have any ideas, let me know! I was so discouraged with the first one and now... I am just over the moon! They are so stinking adorable and the whole family is in love! My 3 (young) sons named the first "Slimy Bob". Lol I love it!!

My silkies are all white, so I'm not a good judge. I will say they are adorable

They are so friendly! My kids were fighting over who got to interact with them first in order to "imprint" on them. They are fearless of our hands compared to the feed store chicks I've bought. I really think it's because we cooed at them every day during incubation and our smooshed, grinning faces were the first things they saw. They probably think we are a bunch of big ugly chickens!
I had a rough week, and my youngest (and last) child started school for the first time, so I NEEDED some baby things to cheer me up! Lol
First days of first year can be so hard. I had my son start headstart (like a pre k program) at 4 and chose headstart over pre k cause it's more "family friendly" and I could volunteer which I did a couple times of month at least, but I was there the first 3 days working in the kitchen just to get him comfortable with leaving mommy. (He's my only and was still attached at the umbilical cord at that He did 3/4 of kindergarten and then I decided to homeschool. We just started 2nd grade this past I guess I went through all this to say: I feel your

Amy! You saved my butt! I can't thank you enough! You are awesome!!!
I'm just glad that it all worked out and you got some wonderful fuzzies! Congrats!

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