First Time Hatching Eggs


In the Brooder
Jan 3, 2016
Bloomfield, Ontario
Hey BYC,

I wanted to start a new thread on our hatching eggs that way it would all be on one thread.
We have 40 eggs, set to hatch in 6, 5 day intervals starting tomorrow. Chickens, then turkeys and chickens, then turkeys and chickens and ducks, then turkeys and ducks, then ducks, then turkeys and ducks.

We heard peeping in our incubator this morning and the first egg actually "pipped" tonight.
Hatching eggs is like sitting on pins and needles. I am so excited. I said i would have been happy if one egg hatched but its looking like all of them might hatch in the next 24 hours.

I can't believe we did it right on my first try. I read so many stories about people loosing all the birds on the first hatch or only having one egg hatch. I received a lot of advice before incubating eggs and I have tried to apply all of it. I don't anticipate we will have 100% hatch every time, but I'll take this one as a big win if all hatch and are healthy. Feeling Blessed!

I made my own incubator to try and hatch some ducklings. The fertile eggs came from the adults we have outside. We have 2 Pekin and one Rouen. We only had one successful hatching and that was after a couple tries and it was only one duckling. We named the little duckling Lucky. Lucky was born 12-29/15.

Good luck I hope u have a very successful hatch :)
I made my own incubator to try and hatch some ducklings. The fertile eggs came from the adults we have outside. We have 2 Pekin and one Rouen. We only had one successful hatching and that was after a couple tries and it was only one duckling. We named the little duckling Lucky. Lucky was born 12-29/15.
Good luck I hope u have a very successful hatch

Oh what a cutie
What a cute little duckling!

We reached a 75% hatch rate with our chicks. The first wave was only four eggs. The fourth egg pipped internally but then not externally. The three that hatched are one Partridge Cochin/Silkie and then two Partridge Cochin/Orpington.

Our first chick to hatch is a very aggressive and spirited little one! We will have to see how it pans out. I have a broody hen sitting on 9 eggs due to hatch Sunday. If all goes well with that hatch I am going to try to sneak these three into her clutch during the night.

Then nature can raise our chicks, indoors for now, and I can focus on the turkey and duck eggs.

We had a rather significant spike during the night, both heat and humidity, in our incubator and we lost the last chicken egg from the first hatch, two turkey eggs and one duck egg. Not sure what caused the spike? I am using a very old Hova Bator Genesis. Hopefully that won't happen again.

Thank you for the warm welcome.

I will post next week about our incubator experience on the incubation thread.

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