First Time Hatching - incubator edition


now there’s six babies!
How are they? Do they seem healthy? What about the other 9 (there are 9 left, right?)?
The ones that hatched definitely seem healthy; still just a little sleepy. There is 9 eggs left and I could see external pips on all but 2 of the eggs. Though, the eggs i couldn’t see any pips on were in the back of the incubator and I can’t really see behind it very well ( I’d have to move the incubator and I really don’t want to do that ).
13 chicks have hatched. The only eggs that remain are the two that haven’t pipped yet....
Nicely done!
I have 36 in the incubator now. Its my first hatch since I was a kid, and my dad did most of that back then, well all of it really. that was 50 years ago. My grandkids are loving this process.
This is day 5 and all of them were fertile except for #19. I’ll give it a few more days and then candle it again to see if I missed something as it’s an egg with a dark shell. I doubt I’m wrong about it, but oh well. I’m a little worried about #8 because it’s air cell is more on the side than the bottom. Anyways, do I need to adjust humidity or anything based on the air cell growth? Does everything look to be growing good? Any concerns you can see?

I'm jealous that your eggs are so easy to see....ha ha. Mine were super dark and impossible to see through. What breed of chickens are you incubating? I'm going to try to use my handheld candler this evening (Day 10) to see if it works better on my eggs than the NR 360 candler.

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