First time incubating and questioning what I see


In the Brooder
Jun 17, 2015
I have an egg that is showing the spider veins but I am a bit concerned as to where it is located. I believe it is a right under air cell ( which looks like there isn't an air cell). Is that a big deal? I see it doing flips inside so I know it is alive. This is day 6 of incubation in my dasp mini incubator for 7 eggs.
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I have an egg that is showing the spider veins but I am a bit concerned as to where it is located. I believe it is a right under air cell ( which looks like there isn't an air cell). Is that a big deal? I see it doing flips inside so I know it is alive. This is day 6 of incubation in my dasp mini incubator for 7 eggs.
Perfectly normal. That little embryo will move a lot
I am a bit nervous because it at the top of the egg like where the air cell should be. I am actually not ever sure there is an air cell.
If you are using an automatic turner or an egg tray that is perfectly normal. The embryo goes to the top of wherever the egg is laying. If the egg were on it's side, the embryo would be on the side of the egg facing up. If in a turner or tray, the air bubble end is up and the embryo floats up there. All the eggs in my auto turner look just like that every time and hatch fine. If baby is alive, you've got nothing to worry about!
and I do see a very small air cell. It will get larger through incubation until taking up about a 1/4 of the egg toward the end
I have an egg that is showing the spider veins but I am a bit concerned as to where it is located. I believe it is a right under air cell ( which looks like there isn't an air cell). Is that a big deal? I see it doing flips inside so I know it is alive. This is day 6 of incubation in my dasp mini incubator for 7 eggs.
Out of curiosity, what kind of incubator are you using and what humidity are you running at??
I've used turners and and I've turned by hand. (And I am a candling I've never seen an embryo in the top of the egg. I've seen them right up under my air cell, but not where the air cell is normally located.
I have the dasp mini digital incubator. I have it set at 37.5 degrees C. It has automatic fan and a tray for water under the tray to hold the eggs. It also has an alarm that will go off of humidity gets too high. This is my first time incubating. It says you don't have to tilt but I do at least 3 times a day. It doesn't have much room to tilt but I can just a little

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