First time incubating and questioning what I see

I have the dasp mini digital incubator. I have it set at 37.5 degrees C. It has automatic fan and a tray for water under the tray to hold the eggs. It also has an alarm that will go off of humidity gets too high. This is my first time incubating. It says you don't have to tilt but I do at least 3 times a day. It doesn't have much room to tilt but I can just a little
So you don't have any idea what your humidity is or what the alarm is set at?
So you don't have any idea what your humidity is or what the alarm is set at?
If your humidity levels are too high for the duration of the incubation your air cells will not grow adequately and the egg will not loose enough moisture. This can cause chicks to drown at hatch in the excess moisture in the egg at the internal pip. It can also cause otehr complications to the chick. Knowing what your humidity is and checking the air cells for growth is the best (in my opinion) way to confirm that you have the right humidity levels during incubation.
If your humidity levels are too high for the duration of the incubation your air cells will not grow adequately and the egg will not loose enough moisture. This can cause chicks to drown at hatch in the excess moisture in the egg at the internal pip. It can also cause otehr complications to the chick. Knowing what your humidity is and checking the air cells for growth is the best (in my opinion) way to confirm that you have the right humidity levels during incubation.

Thanks I guess I better look into getting something to measure the humidity. Thanks for explaining this to me.
Thanks I guess I better look into getting something to measure the humidity. Thanks for explaining this to me.
If you look at the top link in my siggy at the bottom of the post in goes into detail a little better explaining the whole humidity thing. What you'll be looking for is a hygrometer.

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