First time incubating chicken eggs ON DAY 20! But I have questions...


9 Years
Jun 18, 2010
so i'm completely stoked out of my mind. i'm an eighteen year old girl and am hatching chicks for my ex's mom... weird, i know.

it's a REALLY make-shift bator, his dad made it, but it's generally done a pretty good job with them. i don't have a way of checking humidity... but they've hatched tons of chicks with it.
the temperature went down to about 96 or 97 for a few days... how big of a deal is that?
i don't want people harping on me about how i need to specifically measure everything, it's too late for that now. the point is that i've done TONS of research and i candled my babies on the 15th, 16th and 17th day of incubation.... out of the 24, ONLY 13 were fertilized, obviously a bit of a sketchy batch, but we knew that from the start.
point is, i have thirteen babies in my bator, increased humidity, laying on their sides and the incubator is on LOCKDOWNNN. i'm so excited hahaha.
i THINK i have my first pip!
i was just wondering.... can a pip be a little bump on the egg? like a dent made by the baby? it's not a hole yet.
is it normal that i'm just getting pips now? probably because of the lower temperature back about a week ago.
i'm going to post a picture of it! i love BYC! it's helped me so much throughout these past few weeks!

if anyone has ANY advice, please give it!

thanks guys!


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