First Time Incubating. Need Help


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 13, 2012
A little confused if I set my eggs on the 12th 3 p.m when will I take them off the turner. I was thinking the the 30th I'm I right? I candled them yesterday all but one seem to be developing quite nicey after having two power outage on day two temp lowered to 72 and humidity rised to 85%. I'm using a Hova Bator 1602N with a 1611 turner keeping the temp at 102 and humidity at 55.Eggs are Harold Brown Grey Gamefowl. All help and advice greatly appreciated
Appreciate the quick replies. Sorry I haven't replied. I just lost my only roosters yesterday :(
I have my fingers crossed. I candle tommorrow can't wait. Today is day 9.

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