first time incubating...


9 Years
Nov 2, 2010
Alright, so I have my Hovabator and 50 eggs set, some from a local person and some from Robo (thanks!). This is my first time incubating and had a question. I have a forced air and the temp just won't go to 99.5. It's steady at 100.2 or else goes to 98 something if I drop it. The humidity we're keeping between 45-50% but occasionally when we check on it we notice it's around 30% so we just add more water to get it back up no problem. Two questions:

-Could the 100.2 temp going to have ill effect on the hatch?

-Is it bad to let the humidity get down that low? How long would it have to be that low to really have an effect on the hatch.

Oh yeah today makes day 3.
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anyone? please
or should I post this in the incubating forum? I also forgot to mention they're Coturnix eggs...
You seem to be doing good. 100.2 will work, but expect them a day or so early. Plus some thermometers aren't that accurate. The 30% humidity won't hurt them if its just for a day or so. Good luck.
Oh thank you so much! And the 30% was probably only for a few hours.
I'm sooo looking forward to my first hatch. I'm starting to get a little paranoid though because one of the eggs was cracked and bubbling so when I went to take it out and toss it, it broke. I started searching through the forums and have now been acquainted with the wonderful world of exploding eggs... I'm scared.
I threw out 3 when we started that were mushed in, and noticed that bubbling one today. There's another cracked one, no bubbles or anything though. Should I take it out?

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