first time peeping baby chick

24-48 hours in the incubator would be the max. That's too small for a brooder for even the first 2 weeks. How many chicks ended up hatching?

Boy, I've never been to Holland, but I'm assuming you must have someplace that you could buy one of those large plastic storage totes to use for a brooder. They set up quite nicely with a little modification. Do you have a heat lamp, chick feed, thermometer, and electrolytes in their water ready and waiting? They'll be needing to start eating and drinking by day 2 or 3. The yolk they absorbed will sustain them the first couple of days. Keep them between 90-95 F for the first week (I think you'll need to do a Celsius conversion).

Here is a picture of the plastic tote we set up for our first hatch:


Keep reading this forum and asking lots of questions. Everyone here is willing to help you. We've all been first-time hatchers before and had all the same questions. This site is a wealth of knowledge.

Best of Luck!!
2 hatched,,, non more will hatch.

this is my set up:

got a plastic box, walls contains a lot of mirrors at the moment.
1 infrared lamp
1 cuddly toy.
2 thermometers (1 under the lamp 1 where the food is, the food is placed on the "coldest" spot of the box, wich is about 35/36 degrees celcius. wich is about 95 fahrenheit...
theres food, an fresh water.
also they can't drown or sufficate in the drinking fountain.

so basically i have a brooder... i just wondered if my hatching machien could be used as a brooder... since the temperature is easier to set. but you answere my question: it is to small

I got chick feed (for ages 1 day to 4 weeks) they even tried it already, even though they wouldn't be needing it yet.
also I have eggfood, can they eat eggfood? (i use it a lot for my parakeets)

i do not have electrolytes... whats that?
to prevent dehydration? (havent seen them drinking yet)

first time is always scary, i read up and prepared.
but i have yet to recieve the experience to know if everythings alright.
so i'm a worried mum

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