first time with geese....I have some questions...

I'm so sorry....I'll go check out the thread.

Thanks Nana. As hard as it is to deal with....we can't always save them all. However, I am going to keep trying for a bit longer with him. He has started running fevers and is wheezing a bit. I have him on Duramycin which clears him right up. Hopefully, we can get the prosthetic right and get him over his fever because he sure loves being outside swimming with his cousins!

Keep us posted on your two little darlings. I really can't wait to see them fully feathered and looking all grown up!
Here are some newer pictures of Ninya and Charlotte (alias Tweety and Chad)
They are getting real feathers now and are both gaining weight. They have decided that grass is good to eat.

Ninya Standing tall! She still has some swelling in the left leg...but the foot no longer has any swelling. Also think she is less pigeon toed.

Charlotte loves to fact, she is gung ho on everything. Finally got her to eat from my hand. She doesn't like to be held, but will come up for head scratches.

She is getting loads of feathers and there are blue pin feathers on her wings with little fuzz tips.

We move their coop outside everyday so they move in and out and into water and out to graze in an enclosed pen area for now.
Received Tweety and Chad and have them settled in their temporary coop for the evening.
Included a tub with water for bathing and hay for sleeping and shreded some brocolli and grass for treats. Chad is gray with a black bill and Tweety is white with a pink bill. The mom sent a couple of cups of a food that looks like chick crumbles but it was labeled duck starter...Is that something I can find in a feed store?

They lived their first two months in a dog crate ( 2 x 3 x 2.5) in a child's bedroom...never been in deep water and never been outside.
Looks like Tweety has some knee a slipping tenden or lack of niacin. They both jumped into the tub and took a bath and then have been preening themselves while nibbling the grass and brocolli.
Here are a few pictures. The crate they are in is 3 x the size of the one they hve been using.
You can see Tweety's knee in the first picture. Is the feathering normal for 8 weeks or are they behind? They appear a little stunted to me..... What do you think?

After tonight, I will be placing them outside in a shady grassy spot with a big pan of water. The sunshine and exercise should do both of them some good!
cute goslings!
When you got them they were in awful condition!!!!! Boy have they done a wonderful turn around with your TLC... I am pleased that you rescued them from that person who kept them like that! That upsets me that people go buy goslings because they are cute for little children and then when it gets old for the child let them get like that.

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