First time with Turkeys, Tom weighs 46 pounds dressed!!

Wow, thats a lot of turkey!!!

I read on another forum where someone suggested de-boneing really big turkeys and rolling the stuffing up in the meat, roulade style. Tends to fit in the oven better that way.
I cooked a big one before. It was not that pan that was hard to find to fit. It was a oven tall enough to fit that big boy in. I think I would butterfly that bird.
Wow! That is quite the pan. What temp do you cook your Turkey on, and how do you formulate the cooking time?

cook Turkey at 325 degrees, it's supposed to be 1/2 hour per pound but mine are always done long before that. last year my t6urkey weighed 35lbs. I put it in the oven at midnight and according to the temp gauge I had put in the breast it was done about 9:30 in the mornig. this year it's 41lbs and I will do the same time, maybe at 11 instead.
i have a much better idea for the cooking of a big bird....not the oven....the GRILL!!! we grilled ours and it was great!

oh, and one of the other nice things...more oven space for the side dishes!!
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