First time.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 10, 2013
My first time incubating. An exciting day my first chick ever just hatched and is doing great. RIR/EE. Can't wait to see how the rest do have 22 eggs all together only 21 to go.
Oh yeah. I am. 14 of them are road island red and Easter egger and the other 8 are full road island reds. I bought there parents about 2 months ago.
The second chick just hatched. It looks totally different than the first it is brown with a yellow beak. Does anyone know if a RIR and an E/e makes sex links. I believe that is the correct term if not i apologize. I'm still new and learning as I go. I appreciate all answers and input.
I don't believe so. I know that black sex-links are a cross between a barred rock and a rhode island red...If I remember right, the red is between a white leghorn and a rhode island red. And congrats on your chicks! :)

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