First time

Ranger Daryl

9 Years
Dec 4, 2013
Hi, I just started incubating my first chicken eggs. I've never done chicken eggs before but I have done geckos. I got 4 fertile eggs from a friends flock. She has Ameraucanas and Cochins. I got one Cochin and 3 blue Ameraucana eggs I realize that odds are at least one egg will not hatch but I did not want to ruin a whole batch on my first try. So wish me luck. The incubator was a Christmas gift. I hatched my leopard geckos out in a rubbermaid shoe box in my closet.
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If the crack was rather small, some have used wax or the sorts to protect the egg through incubation, while being careful to watch it on a regular basis.

Good luck on the next 3.
The top right Ameraucana egg is already a loss, I noticed it has a 1" spider crack on the pointy end, when I was tilting the incubator this evening before I got ready for bed. These darn hard shells are way less forgiving than leathery reptile shells, the shell was super thick though so I am not sure how it cracked. On the plus side, I cracked the egg open and there was an obvious fertile "bullseye" so i'm keeping my fingers crossed about the other three.
Day 5, candled today, not sure about the ameraucanas but the single Cochin egg has very visible spidery veins. Those dark shells are really hard to see through.
Sorry for the lack of updates; I had to go out of town for a week of training. I'm in lockdown and my eggs are moving!

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