First timer here, please help sex my 8-10 week old chicks


6 Years
Jul 16, 2013
Hi there, first time poster and hatcher. Here are pics of our chicks, well most of them, one chicken seems to have stunted growth and bad legs but she is still spunky, she is my favorite. Anyways, here they are. If you can tell me what kind of chicken and sex that would be great!

This is Tiny, he/she is the smallest chick of them all. I think this chick is a rooster.

The next few are of Jerk Face, names this because he/she pecked the two smallest chicks after their vents were cleaned. I though this chick was a rooster but I am now leaning towards hen.

Jerk Face is the most feathered of them all and largest.

In the foreground is Jerk Face then Senora Sandy Pickles in back. Senora's sex is a mystery. I am thinking hen.

Here is Senora Sandy Pickles with jerk Face behind her.

Sneora Sandy Pickles

Jerk Face

Thank you for any feedback on what sex you think they may be.
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Jerk Face is a great name!

I think Senor Sandy Pickles is a Barred Rock cockerel. He has a lot of white in the barring, which is a male trait. Also, his legs and beak are brighter yellow than hens' usually are.
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More of Tiny who is still really small!

Tiny has a bright comb and cheek thingies.

He does not like to be handled or touched. Very rambunctious and energetic.

Roo or pullet?
Tiny looks to me like an Euska Oila (sp?) and a rooster.
Jerk Face is a hen, maybe a Silver Laced Wyanodtte with less-pronounced lacing but I had a couple chicks a few years back and they were SLW/BPR mixes. Looked like Jerk Face. Maybe that could be it.
Senora Sandy Pickles is a great name! She is a defo Barred Rock hen.
Thank you for your feedback. I figured Tiny is a rooster.

Now for Senora Sandy Pickles, a vote for male a vote for female so here is another pic and maybe someone else can break the tie.

If a photo of a specific region will better help determine the sex of this chick, let me know so I can snap it and post it.

Hen Senora is. Cool because we hatched her. I still have one more little one, Drumstick, who I adore. Will get her head shots up soon ;) Thank you for your help.

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