First timer


7 Years
Apr 29, 2013
Fort Worth, Texas
Just built my first chicken tractor and added 3 hens a week ago. I am a newbie and want to make sure I have all hens. They are gold sex links according to tractor supply but I think it's a mixed bag. The white one crowed yesterday morning so please verify that they are all hens!
Obviously they aren't all gold sex links - they are 3 different colors - just going on color & markings I would guess the white is a cockerel . It would help to have a closeup head forward view of them and to know how old they are. You could also post their photos on "what gender or sex is this." Did the place say you could exchange a rooster for something else?
I was being a bit sarcastic with the breed comment, clearly they are all different. :) my friend raised then from when they were little and so I know they are about 16 weeks old. Hope to have some eggs soon!

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