First try at hatching in the classroom


5 Years
Mar 5, 2014
Helllo all
I am a preschool teacher and we had a parent donate an incubator and eggs for the children in the class to watch as they got to count down the days to hatch. We have been anxiously waiting for the end. They have all been excited when we candled the eggs and found out that most of the eggs we put in are showing signs of growth. We really got a treat today and got to hear and see one hatch out before we went home for the day. It is day 21 and right on time they have started to peck their way out. This site has been wonderful with giving me information about how and what to do about setting up and times for hatching. I plan on trying to get my own set up for next year and do it all over again.

Good luck with your class room hatch! And welcome to BYC!
It is a group of three four and five year olds. They were excited every day since we started the incubator to see if any had hatched yet. The teaching staff and other teachers/supervisors made trips over to see them.

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